ekisu / mpv-webm

Simple WebM maker for mpv, with no external dependencies.
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Encoding mpv process doesn't inherit --ytdl-format #27

Closed jgreco closed 5 years ago

jgreco commented 6 years ago

mpv version

mpv 0.28.2


with ytdl-format=bestvideo[height<=?720]+bestaudio/best set in my mpv.conf, mpv will select the best <=720p video to play from youtube. However the encoding mpv process seems to get the highest resolution version youtube has. If the highest resolution version is greater than 720p, the result is the encode takes far longer than it should, takes more bandwidth than it should, and is cropped incorrectly (getting only the upper-left corner of the video.)

For instance this youtube video has a 2160p version available. When I play it with my mpv config, youtube-dl gets the 720p version of it:


If I encode a second of video at the same point with mpv-webm, the resulting webm looks like this:


The resulting webm is 720p... but it's only a 720p crop of the top left of the 2160p version.

(This all used to work properly, I think maybe it changed with 0.28.2)


They don't seem to tell me much, but for what they're worth: https://gist.github.com/jgreco/64d194443fc2670dabb7ff45dddcb365

ekisu commented 6 years ago

Indeed, there's nothing wrong with the logs, as far as I can see. Can you try running:

mpv -v https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c82Bg7Y90No --start=0:00:00.625 --end=0:00:01.292 --ovc=libvpx --oac=libvorbis --loop-file=no --vid=1 --aid=1 --sid=no --sub-ass-override=yes --sub-auto=exact --video-rotate=0 --vf-add=lavfi-colormatrix=bt709:bt601 --vf-add=lavfi-crop=1280:720:0:0 --ovcopts-add=threads=2 --ovcopts-add=b=47940k --ovcopts-add=crf=10 --log-file=encodelog.txt -o=/Users/john/Desktop/webms/watchv=c82Bg7Y90No-[00.00.625-00.01.292]-audio.webm

in a terminal and posting the resulting log file here?

edit: changed --log to --log-file.

jgreco commented 6 years ago

mpv -v https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c82Bg7Y90No --start=0:00:00.625 --end=0:00:01.292 --ovc=libvpx --oac=libvorbis --loop-file=no --vid=1 --aid=1 --sid=no --sub-ass-override=yes --sub-auto=exact --video-rotate=0 --vf-add=lavfi-colormatrix=bt709:bt601 --vf-add=lavfi-crop=1280:720:0:0 --ovcopts-add=threads=2 --ovcopts-add=b=47940k --ovcopts-add=crf=10 --log-file=encodelog.txt -o=/Users/john/Desktop/testout.webm https://gist.githubusercontent.com/jgreco/02c76e36f887f919e27a123cdaf44280/ It looks like when mpv is encoding, it passes the default --format bestvideo+bestaudio/best to youtube-dl.

When it's not encoding: mpv -v https://www.youtube.com/watch\?v\=c82Bg7Y90No -log-file=playlog.txt https://gist.github.com/jgreco/1dd153a6acd382cd8f23759b2ae7ce97 Then mpv invokes youtube-dl with --format bestvideo[height<=?720]+bestaudio/best, (my ytdl-format config)

So I guess this is an mpv bug.

That said, if I pass --ytdl-format to mpv explicitly when encoding, mpv -v https://www.youtube.com/watch\?v\=c82Bg7Y90No --ytdl-format='bestvideo[height<=?720]+bestaudio/best' --start=0:00:00.625 --end=0:00:01.292 --ovc=libvpx --oac=libvorbis --loop-file=no --vid=1 --aid=1 --sid=no --sub-ass-override=yes --sub-auto=exact --video-rotate=0 --vf-add=lavfi-colormatrix=bt709:bt601 --vf-add=lavfi-crop=1280:720:0:0 --ovcopts-add=threads=2 --ovcopts-add=b=47940k --ovcopts-add=crf=10 --log-file=encode3log.txt -o=/Users/john/Desktop/testout.webm then the encode works properly. It seems like it's ignoring my mpv.conf when encoding but still respects --ytdl-format from the command line. I think this could be the basis of a work-around until(?) it's fixed in mpv.

h633537 commented 5 years ago

Seems to work fine adding a ytdl-format line

  local command = {
    "--start=" .. seconds_to_time_string(startTime, false, true),
    "--end=" .. seconds_to_time_string(endTime, false, true),
    "--ovc=" .. tostring(format.videoCodec),
    "--oac=" .. tostring(format.audioCodec),
    "--ytdl-format=" .. mp.get_property("ytdl-format"),