ekmett / adjunctions

Simple adjunctions
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Allow building with transformers 0.5 (on GHC 8 RC) #18

Closed cnd closed 8 years ago

cnd commented 8 years ago

issue in progress: https://github.com/ekmett/adjunctions/issues/17

RyanGlScott commented 8 years ago

Since you already made a transformers-related pull request, do you mind incorporating the changes needed to replace Data.Functor.Coproduct with Data.Functor.Sum? Here is a git diff of the changes I made to your branch to make it work:

diff --git a/adjunctions.cabal b/adjunctions.cabal
index 62c4368..ee032a8 100644
--- a/adjunctions.cabal
+++ b/adjunctions.cabal
@@ -40,20 +40,21 @@ library

-    array         >= && < 0.7,
-    base          >= 4       && < 5,
-    comonad       >= 4       && < 5,
-    containers    >= 0.3     && < 0.6,
-    contravariant >= 1       && < 2,
-    distributive  >= 0.4     && < 1,
-    free          >= 4       && < 5,
-    mtl           >= 2.0.1   && < 2.3,
-    profunctors   >= 4       && < 6,
-    tagged        >= 0.7     && < 1,
-    semigroupoids >= 4       && < 6,
-    semigroups    >= 0.11    && < 1,
-    transformers  >= 0.2     && < 0.6,
-    void          >= && < 1
+    array               >= && < 0.7,
+    base                >= 4       && < 5,
+    comonad             >= 4       && < 5,
+    containers          >= 0.3     && < 0.6,
+    contravariant       >= 1       && < 2,
+    distributive        >= 0.4     && < 1,
+    free                >= 4       && < 5,
+    mtl                 >= 2.0.1   && < 2.3,
+    profunctors         >= 4       && < 6,
+    tagged              >= 0.7     && < 1,
+    semigroupoids       >= 4       && < 6,
+    semigroups          >= 0.11    && < 1,
+    transformers        >= 0.2     && < 0.6,
+    transformers-compat >= 0.3     && < 1,
+    void                >= && < 1

diff --git a/src/Data/Functor/Adjunction.hs b/src/Data/Functor/Adjunction.hs
index 3ec3fd4..4e18d37 100644
--- a/src/Data/Functor/Adjunction.hs
+++ b/src/Data/Functor/Adjunction.hs
@@ -48,10 +48,10 @@ import Control.Comonad.Trans.Env
 import Control.Comonad.Trans.Traced

 import Data.Functor.Identity
-import Data.Functor.Coproduct
 import Data.Functor.Compose
 import Data.Functor.Product
 import Data.Functor.Rep
+import Data.Functor.Sum
 import Data.Profunctor
 import Data.Void

@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ class (Functor f, Representable u) =>
 -- This can be used with the combinators from the @lens@ package.
 -- @'adjuncted' :: 'Adjunction' f u => 'Iso'' (f a -> b) (a -> u b)@
-adjuncted :: (Adjunction f u, Profunctor p, Functor g) 
+adjuncted :: (Adjunction f u, Profunctor p, Functor g)
           => p (a -> u b) (g (c -> u d)) -> p (f a -> b) (g (f c -> d))
 adjuncted = dimap leftAdjunct (fmap rightAdjunct)
 {-# INLINE adjuncted #-}
@@ -181,12 +181,10 @@ instance (Adjunction f g, Adjunction f' g') =>
   counit = rightAdjunct (rightAdjunct getCompose) . getCompose

 instance (Adjunction f g, Adjunction f' g') =>
-         Adjunction (Coproduct f f') (Product g g') where
-  unit a = Pair (leftAdjunct left a) (leftAdjunct right a)
-  counit = coproduct (rightAdjunct fstP) (rightAdjunct sndP)
-    where
-      fstP (Pair x _) = x
-      sndP (Pair _ x) = x
+         Adjunction (Sum f f') (Product g g') where
+  unit a = Pair (leftAdjunct InL a) (leftAdjunct InR a)
+  counit (InL l) = rightAdjunct (\(Pair x _) -> x) l
+  counit (InR r) = rightAdjunct (\(Pair _ x) -> x) r

 instance Adjunction f u =>
          Adjunction (Free f) (Cofree u) where
cnd commented 8 years ago

@RyanGlScott I'll be happy to accept it as gift

RyanGlScott commented 8 years ago

Oops, I just realized I had accidentially git diff-ed the wrong branch of your adjunctions fork. Fixed now.

I'll be happy to accept it as gift

I'm not sure what that means. Do you want me to open a pull request on your fork?

cnd commented 8 years ago

@RyanGlScott I mean commit your changes from my name XD

RyanGlScott commented 8 years ago

Oh, I see. I don't have push access for adjunctions (just bifunctors, free, and lens), so I can't do that.

cnd commented 8 years ago

@RyanGlScott you can open pull request if you want to commit it with your creditations or I will commit it as additional commit in this PR - up to you, diff doesn't contain credits... git patch should if I remember correctly

RyanGlScott commented 8 years ago

Well, you noticed the issue first, so I think it's fair that you get the credit for committing it. :)

cnd commented 8 years ago

also I think I can just grab with cherry-pick commit from your branch maybe

RyanGlScott commented 8 years ago

also I think I can just grab with cherry-pick commit from your branch maybe

OK. If you wish to do that, here's a commit from my fork.

cnd commented 8 years ago

@RyanGlScott it's easier just create PR from there :)

cnd commented 8 years ago

@RyanGlScott https://github.com/ekmett/adjunctions/pull/19

ekmett commented 8 years ago

@RyanGlScott You now have access. Feel free to ping me if you need access to other repos.

RyanGlScott commented 8 years ago

Thanks, @ekmett. There's several other lens dependencies that also need some work to be GHC 8.0–compliant: distributive, contravariant, comonad, profunctors, kan-extensions, and either. Can you add me on those?

ekmett commented 8 years ago

Done. Go for it. I trust your judgment.

On Fri, Jan 15, 2016 at 11:18 AM, Ryan Scott notifications@github.com wrote:

Thanks, @ekmett https://github.com/ekmett. There's several other lens dependencies that also need some work to be GHC 8.0–compliant: distributive https://github.com/ekmett/distributive/pull/14, contravariant https://github.com/ekmett/contravariant/pull/22, comonad https://github.com/ekmett/comonad/pull/31, profunctors https://github.com/ekmett/profunctors/pull/35, kan-extensions https://github.com/ekmett/kan-extensions/pull/24, and either https://github.com/ekmett/either/pull/43. Can you add me on those?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/ekmett/adjunctions/pull/18#issuecomment-172004494.