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indexM in Representable? #27

Open Zemyla opened 7 years ago

Zemyla commented 7 years ago

There should be a function called something like indexM in the Representable typeclass, with the type

indexM :: (Representable f, Monad m) => f a -> Rep f -> m a

Its default definition would simply be

indexM f k = return $ index f k

But for some Representables, it could produce a more defined result, for the same reasons as in Data.Vector. An example for Product:

indexM (Pair a _) (Left i) = indexM a i
indexM (Pair _ b) (Right j) = indexM b j

The result passed to return contains no reference to the original Product value. This could be a win for people using Representables for memoization.

treeowl commented 5 years ago

Monad is overkill; Applicative will do. Furthermore, this suggests a subclass:

class (Representable t, Traversable t) => TravRep t where
  tabulateA :: Applicative f => (Rep t -> f a) -> f (t a)
  tabulateA = sequence . tabulate

But the tabulation and sequencing can be fused:

data Pair a = Pair a a deriving Traversable
instance Representable Pair where
  type Rep Pair = Bool
instance TravRep Pair where
  tabulateA f = liftA2 Pair (f False) (f True)

Notably, using data Box a = Box a as the Applicative, you can eagerly perform some computation at each value while building the container. For example, you can eagerly pull elements out of one Representable functor and into a new one of a different type.