ekmett / ersatz

A monad for interfacing with external SAT solvers
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CNF output is way too slow #16

Open jwaldmann opened 8 years ago

jwaldmann commented 8 years ago

Run the following (it creates and solves a formula that is not hard). Take the total time, and compare to actual solver time.

E.g., argument 100000, on my machine: total 40 seconds.Minisat starts only after 20 s, then takes < 1 s, then another 20 s are used for parsing the result (I'll open a separate issue)

import Ersatz
import Ersatz.Bit
import Ersatz.Variable (exists)

import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Control.Monad ( forM_, replicateM )

main :: IO ( )
main = do
  argv <- getArgs
  case argv of
    [ n ] -> mainf ( read n)
    [] -> mainf 50000

mainf n = do
  putStrLn $ unwords [ "n",  show n ]
  (s, mgs) <- solveWith minisat $ do
      gs <- replicateM n exists
      forM_ (zip gs $ tail gs) $ \ (x,y) -> assert ( x /== y )
      return (gs :: [Bit])
  case (s, mgs) of
     (Satisfied, Just gs) -> do print $ length $ filter id gs
     _ -> do return ()
jwaldmann commented 8 years ago

Changing Data.Set.Set to Data.Sequence.Seq in

class DIMACS t where
  dimacsClauses :: t -> Seq IntSet

(Ersatz.Problem and Ersatz.Internal.Formula) already helps a bit (reduces 20 s for writing to 10 s)

In satchmo, I write asserts on the fly (to minisat-api), so the complete CNF is not actually in Haskell memory (It is in minisat's memory, of course).

DIMACS file format wants number of variables and clauses in the beginning of the file, and that makes it more difficult.

jwaldmann commented 3 years ago

Writing the CNF still feels slow. I am counting 10 MByte per minute after the head of the formula is already written - so ersatz knows the number of variables and of clauses (so it knows all clauses at this point). Then what is it computing? Raw writing speed should be more like 10 MByte per second?

jwaldmann commented 3 years ago

Here's the profiling data for above example

           speed +RTS -P -H -RTS 1000000

        total time  =       42.78 secs   (42782 ticks @ 1000 us, 1 processor)
        total alloc = 31,984,151,680 bytes  (excludes profiling overheads)

COST CENTRE           MODULE                      SRC                                               %time %alloc  ticks     bytes

parseSolution5.vars   Ersatz.Solver.Minisat       src/Ersatz/Solver/Minisat.hs:103:5-42              35.3   40.9  15117 13084496960
bClause.\             Ersatz.Problem              src/Ersatz/Problem.hs:297:36-61                     7.9   10.1   3395 3224431992
runBit                Ersatz.Bit                  src/Ersatz/Bit.hs:(175,1)-(187,32)                  7.0    5.9   2976 1887998112
parseSolution5.vlines Ersatz.Solver.Minisat       src/Ersatz/Solver/Minisat.hs:102:5-39               4.4    6.5   1888 2064150816
makeStableName'       Ersatz.Internal.StableName  src/Ersatz/Internal/StableName.hs:(20,1)-(23,35)    4.2    0.4   1809 127999944
runBit.\              Ersatz.Bit                  src/Ersatz/Bit.hs:(179,3)-(187,32)                  3.7    4.1   1603 1303998696
insert'.go            Data.HashMap.Internal       Data/HashMap/Internal.hs:(787,5)-(816,76)           3.0    1.5   1270 490066008
formulaXor            Ersatz.Internal.Formula     src/Ersatz/Internal/Formula.hs:(211,1)-(217,11)     2.9    4.1   1252 1313248704
lookup#               Data.HashMap.Internal       Data/HashMap/Internal.hs:599:1-82                   2.9    0.8   1250 253762960
bClause               Ersatz.Problem              src/Ersatz/Problem.hs:297:1-91                      2.6    0.7   1102 207999808
assert                Ersatz.Bit                  src/Ersatz/Bit.hs:(164,1)-(171,34)                  2.3    2.0    972 631999368
parseSolution5        Ersatz.Solver.Minisat       src/Ersatz/Solver/Minisat.hs:(100,1)-(103,42)       2.1    3.6    892 1142799600
dimacs.clauses        Ersatz.Problem              src/Ersatz/Problem.hs:252:5-38                      1.7    1.6    746 519999840
<>                    Ersatz.Internal.Formula     src/Ersatz/Internal/Formula.hs:83:3-43              1.7    2.3    746 727992912
clone16               Data.HashMap.Internal       Data/HashMap/Internal.hs:(2261,1)-(2262,19)         1.7    3.2    722 1037544304
cryptominisat5Path.\  Ersatz.Solver.Minisat       src/Ersatz/Solver/Minisat.hs:(88,47)-(97,31)        1.6    2.3    671 733872304
literally             Ersatz.Bit                  src/Ersatz/Bit.hs:126:3-34                          1.3    0.7    544 224000152
copy.\                Data.HashMap.Internal.Array Data/HashMap/Internal/Array.hs:(335,9)-(336,30)     1.2    1.4    530 446444656
lastAtom.\            Ersatz.Problem              src/Ersatz/Problem.hs:103:39-68                     0.9    1.1    371 351999824
satClauses            Ersatz.Problem              src/Ersatz/Problem.hs:350:1-55                      0.8    1.2    328 367999520

and for double size

           speed +RTS -P -H -M8G -RTS 2000000

        total time  =       88.01 secs   (88010 ticks @ 1000 us, 1 processor)
        total alloc = 64,605,103,944 bytes  (excludes profiling overheads)

COST CENTRE           MODULE                     SRC                                               %time %alloc  ticks     bytes

parseSolution5.vars   Ersatz.Solver.Minisat      src/Ersatz/Solver/Minisat.hs:103:5-42              35.8   41.2  31482 26638630288
bClause.\             Ersatz.Problem             src/Ersatz/Problem.hs:297:36-61                     8.2   10.0   7210 6448901496
runBit                Ersatz.Bit                 src/Ersatz/Bit.hs:(175,1)-(187,32)                  6.5    5.8   5743 3775998112
parseSolution5.vlines Ersatz.Solver.Minisat      src/Ersatz/Solver/Minisat.hs:102:5-39               4.6    6.6   4079 4275706272
makeStableName'       Ersatz.Internal.StableName src/Ersatz/Internal/StableName.hs:(20,1)-(23,35)    4.6    0.4   4024 255999944
insert'.go            Data.HashMap.Internal      Data/HashMap/Internal.hs:(787,5)-(816,76)           3.4    1.9   3032 1206018912
runBit.\              Ersatz.Bit                 src/Ersatz/Bit.hs:(179,3)-(187,32)                  3.4    4.0   3005 2607998696
lookup#               Data.HashMap.Internal      Data/HashMap/Internal.hs:599:1-82                   3.4    0.9   2974 604208496
formulaXor            Ersatz.Internal.Formula    src/Ersatz/Internal/Formula.hs:(211,1)-(217,11)     3.0    4.1   2615 2626498704
bClause               Ersatz.Problem             src/Ersatz/Problem.hs:297:1-91                      2.7    0.6   2385 415999808
assert                Ersatz.Bit                 src/Ersatz/Bit.hs:(164,1)-(171,34)                  2.1    2.0   1832 1263999368
parseSolution5        Ersatz.Solver.Minisat      src/Ersatz/Solver/Minisat.hs:(100,1)-(103,42)       2.1    3.7   1824 2365598960
clone16               Data.HashMap.Internal      Data/HashMap/Internal.hs:(2261,1)-(2262,19)         1.9    3.6   1651 2344719976
<>                    Ersatz.Internal.Formula    src/Ersatz/Internal/Formula.hs:83:3-43              1.8    2.3   1554 1455993224
dimacs.clauses        Ersatz.Problem             src/Ersatz/Problem.hs:252:5-38                      1.6    1.6   1365 1039999824
cryptominisat5Path.\  Ersatz.Solver.Minisat      src/Ersatz/Solver/Minisat.hs:(88,47)-(97,31)        1.5    2.3   1304 1457643744
literally             Ersatz.Bit                 src/Ersatz/Bit.hs:126:3-34                          1.2    0.7   1098 448000152
satClauses            Ersatz.Problem             src/Ersatz/Problem.hs:350:1-55                      0.8    1.1    727 735999640
lastAtom.\            Ersatz.Problem             src/Ersatz/Problem.hs:103:39-68                     0.8    1.1    717 703999824

The observation still holds: the solver (cryptominisat) takes a few seconds but writing the formula, and parsing the result, takes a minute!!

jwaldmann commented 3 years ago

One aspect is that for this specific test, anyminisat was calling cryptominisat5 and that is inefficient at reading the assignment. I'll make a separate issue, and the fix should be easy - just apply the path that improve minisat's output parsing (attoparsec instead of Read?)

This still does not explain slow CNF writing.