ekmett / ersatz

A monad for interfacing with external SAT solvers
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deprecate sumBit, since sumBits is better #29

Open jwaldmann opened 7 years ago

jwaldmann commented 7 years ago

The sumBits function computes the sum of a list of binary numbers. If all numbers have just one bit, then this computes the number of bits that are set to true. Then, there is sumBit which claims to be an improved implementation for this special case.

(relevant source code: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/ersatz-0.3.1/docs/src/Ersatz.Bits.html#sumBits )

I observed that

and I conclude that

Here is a test case: https://github.com/jwaldmann/ersatz/blob/sumbits-example/examples/DominatingSet.hs where we are looking for a small dominating set on the knight's graph on a chess board.

sumBit  10 16  (SAT)  90 sec        sumBits 10 16  (SAT)   3 sec
sumBit  10 15 (UNSAT)  9 min        sumBits 10 15 (UNSAT) 17 sec

unrelated to this test case, here are the DAGs for the formulas built (with w=4) for

do xs <- replicateM (2^w) exists ; return $ encode (2^(w-1)) === sumBit (xs::[Bit])

with sumBits: sumBits

with sumBit: sumBit