ekmett / ersatz

A monad for interfacing with external SAT solvers
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Get CI working with cryptominisat5 #40

Closed RyanGlScott closed 5 years ago

RyanGlScott commented 5 years ago

Now that the test suite requires the use of cryptominisat5 in particular to work (after commit 2b70ac84906679bd8fc1f7adba6fef82f595dd35), the Travis build is failing (example) due to cryptominisat5 not being installed. Unfortunately, Ubuntu Xenial does not provide a cryptominisat5 package, so Travis will have to build it itself, as far as I can tell.

Until this is resolved, I'm going to disable running the test suites on Travis so that we can get it back to green again.

glguy commented 5 years ago

I'm going to make a smart driver that runs whatever minisat it can find

glguy commented 5 years ago

Fixed in dfc150fd79b2a018ea7f603a838f97fcfd45eef9

RyanGlScott commented 5 years ago

Thanks, @glguy! I've uploaded ersatz-0.4.7 to Hackage with these changes so that we can resolve commercialhaskell/stackage#4571.