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Add churchy free Applicative transformers #162

Open treeowl opened 7 years ago

treeowl commented 7 years ago

The free Applicative transformers aren't exactly well documented, and I have no sense of the efficiency concerns, but this seems to be an obvious Church version:

newtype ApT f g b = ApT {getApT :: forall h.
     (Applicative h)
  => (forall a. f a -> h a)
  -> (forall a. g (h a) -> h a)
  -> h b}

instance Functor (ApT f g) where
  fmap f (ApT x) = ApT $ \p q -> f <$> x p q

instance Applicative g => Applicative (ApT f g) where
  pure x = ApT $ \_ q -> q (pure (pure x))
  ApT fs <*> ApT xs = ApT $ \p q -> fs p q <*> xs p q

liftApT :: f a -> ApT f g a
liftApT fa = ApT $ \p _ -> p fa

liftApO :: Functor g => g a -> ApT f g a
liftApO ga = ApT $ \_ q -> q $ fmap pure ga

runApT :: Applicative h => (forall a. f a -> h a) -> (forall a. g (h a) -> h a) -> ApT f g b -> h b
runApT f g (ApT x) = x f g

hoistApT :: (forall a. f a -> f' a) -> ApT f g b -> ApT f' g b
hoistApT f (ApT x) = ApT $ \p -> x (p . f)

transApT :: (forall a. g a -> g' a) -> ApT f g b -> ApT f g' b
transApT f (ApT x) = ApT $ \p q -> x p (q . f)

By the way: it would be very nice to document the distinction between ApF and ApT.

treeowl commented 7 years ago

Oh, and

runAlt :: (Alternative g, Foldable t) => (forall x. f x -> g x) -> ApT f t a -> g a
runAlt f (ApT x) = x f $ getAlt . foldMap Alt
treeowl commented 7 years ago

And also (probably?)

instance Alternative g => Alternative (ApT f g) where
  empty = ApT $ \_ q -> q empty
  ApT x <|> ApT y = ApT $ \p q -> q $
    getCompose (x (Compose . pure . p) (Compose . fmap (q . getCompose))) <|>
    getCompose (y (Compose . pure . p) (Compose . fmap (q . getCompose)))
treeowl commented 7 years ago


joinApT :: Monad m => ApT f m a -> m (ApT f Identity a)
joinApT (ApT x) = getCompose $ x (Compose . pure . liftApT) (Compose . (>>= getCompose))