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Add indexed-traversable instances #203

Closed phadej closed 3 years ago

phadej commented 3 years ago

Yes. I want to test with semialign if there's something. E.g .I noticed no PolyKinds.

Also Andrzej raised concern about comonad dependency in indexed-traversable-instances, and it seems that extended indexed-traversals support to GHC-7.0 (so comonad could depend on it) is not hard at all: https://github.com/well-typed/optics/pull/370

RyanGlScott commented 3 years ago

Wow, the turnaround time for Travis has gotten so bad that it might be faster to switch free over to GitHub Actions and rebase rather than wait for the first Travis job to start...

phadej commented 3 years ago

I'm not in a hurry (EDIT: for example haskell-ci doesn't generate HLint stuff in GHA output, because I didn't care about it...)

phadej commented 3 years ago

pplied suggestions, CI is green.

RyanGlScott commented 3 years ago

Thanks! I've uploaded free-5.1.5 to Hackage with these changes.