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Skillsmatter video is not online anymore? #1055

Open turion opened 5 months ago

turion commented 5 months ago

https://hackage.haskell.org/package/lens links to https://skillsmatter.com/podcast/scala/lenses-compositional-data-access-and-manipulation, but I get "Not Found - This page is unavailable." when I click on it.

RyanGlScott commented 5 months ago

If this is correct, then SkillsMatter dissolved in 2023. Unless someone has a mirror of the video somewhere, we should just remove this link.

turion commented 5 months ago

I couldn't find it anywhere else unfortunately. @simonpj possibly you might have a link somewhere?

ion1 commented 5 months ago
yt-dlp --referer https://skillsmatter.com/podcast/scala/lenses-compositional-data-access-and-manipulation https://player.vimeo.com/video/76506719
RyanGlScott commented 5 months ago

Ah, https://player.vimeo.com/video/76506719 must be where the video is hosted, then. Sadly, it appears that you can't actually view the video due to its privacy settings. I'm glad that yt-dlp works in a pinch to obtain it, but I'd be hesitant to recommend this in the .cabal file as the official way to view the video. Nor am I comfortable re-uploading the video somewhere, since I'm uncertain about the copyright status of the video.

emilypi commented 5 months ago

Do itttttt

ion1 commented 5 months ago

Here's a fun hack: go to https://skillsmatter.com/podcast/scala/lenses-compositional-data-access-and-manipulation and enter this into the developer console:

document.body.innerHTML = '<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/76506719" style="border: none; background: black; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; height: 100%; width: 100%;"></iframe>';
turion commented 4 months ago

See https://discourse.haskell.org/t/haskell-video-archive-call-for-volunteers/8863, there is hope we may recover the video.

ekmett commented 4 months ago

As I understand it, the Haskel Foundation now has the old SkillsMatter videos. So when they put that one online in a new location I'd be happy to link to it.

ysangkok commented 2 weeks ago

@endgame mentioned that you can use yt-dlp:

% yt-dlp "https://web.archive.org/web/20231104074630/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-QwBL9Dia0"
[web.archive:youtube] Extracting URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20231104074630/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-QwBL9Dia0
[web.archive:youtube] k-QwBL9Dia0: Fetching archived video file url
[web.archive:youtube] k-QwBL9Dia0: Downloading CDX API JSON
[web.archive:youtube] k-QwBL9Dia0: Downloading capture webpage
[web.archive:youtube] k-QwBL9Dia0: Downloading CDX API JSON
[info] k-QwBL9Dia0: Downloading 1 format(s): 22