ekmett / profunctors

Haskell 98 Profunctors
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instance for Control.Monad.Trans.Select #59

Open aavogt opened 7 years ago

aavogt commented 7 years ago

SelectT is in http://hackage.haskell.org/package/transformers- but is missing from transformers<= It is (not?) a Profunctor because:

Djinn> type Select r a = ((a -> r) -> a)
Djinn> ?dimap :: (a->b) -> (c->d) -> Select b c -> Select a d
dimap :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> Select b c -> Select a d
dimap a b c d = b (c (\ e -> a (d (b e))))

I haven't looked into ctx :: (* -> *) -> Constraint in instance ctx m => Profunctor (SelectT m), ctx /= Identity.

aavogt commented 7 years ago

Turns out SelectT has parameters in the wrong order. Still, djinn can write a dimap for type T m r a = ((a -> m r) -> m a) with m as Either t, (,) t, (->) t and probably others.

RyanGlScott commented 7 years ago

I'm a bit confused here—are you proposing something concrete here that profunctors should add?

aavogt commented 7 years ago

T U or V below could be added. I don't like those names. A 4th option is to change SelectT in the transformers package to allow instance Functor f => Profunctor (SelectT f), which would break instance MonadTrans (SelectT r)

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

import Control.Monad.Trans.Select
import Data.Profunctor
import Data.Coerce

newtype T m r a = T (SelectT r m a)
newtype U m r a = U (Costar ((->) a) (m r) (m a))
newtype V m r a = V ( (a -> m r) -> m a )

ut :: T m r a -> U m r a
ut = coerce

tv :: T m r a -> V m r a
tv = coerce

instance Functor f => Profunctor (T f) where
  dimap a b (T (SelectT c)) = T $ SelectT $ \d -> b <$> c (fmap a . d . b)

{- law abiding:
 dimap id id (T (SelectT c)) =>
  T $ SelectT $ \d -> id <$> c (fmap id . d . id)
  T $ SelectT $ \d -> c (id . d . id) -- fmap id
  T $ SelectT $ \d -> c d -- id and (.)
  T $ SelectT $ c
  (T (SelectT c))
=> dimap id id = id
RyanGlScott commented 7 years ago

Indeed, I think changing the order of type variables in SelectT is a non-starter.

I don't have a strong opinion on adding a newtype wrapper around SelectT, but it doesn't strike me as a terribly general solution. After all, there are several other types that could be Bifunctors/Profunctors were it not for the order of variables (WriterT/ContT come to mind), so if we wanted to support them, we'd need a hand-rolled newtype for each of them as well.

I suppose a general solution would be to figure out a way to make this typecheck:

newtype Swizzle p m a b = Swizzle { runSwizzle :: p a m b }

instance (???) => Profunctor (Swizzle p m) where ...

But I don't know what to put in place of the (???).