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Cokleisli does not satisfy Choice laws #99

Open viercc opened 2 years ago

viercc commented 2 years ago

The instance instance Comonad w => Choice (Cokleisli w) doesn't follow the Choice laws. It would have been if Cokleisli w was a conforming ArrowChoice, but it isn't (although it has the instance.)


Maybe it's already alarmed by the notice 'extract' approximates 'costrength' attached to the Choice instance, but it wasn't clear for me.

jasoncarr0 commented 2 years ago

To copy it out here, this is an alternate, explicit implementation:

left (Cokleisli f) = Cokleisli (\fac ->
  case extract fac of
    Right c -> Right c
    Left a -> Left . f $ fmap (either id (const a)) fac)

which has also been mentioned in a few other forums. I have previously verified that it meets the definition for co-cartesian co-strength manually, and it appears that these could be equivalent to the laws for Choice at first glance, and likewise this should meet the laws, although it would be a breaking change in the implementation.

It's not clear why the implementation would appear to not be the same, if the linked issue is to be believed.