ekoeryanto / vuepress-plugin-sitemap

Sitemap generator plugin for vuepress.
MIT License
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SITEMAP Not generating sitemap #29

Closed Coeur-Digital closed 4 years ago

Coeur-Digital commented 4 years ago

Hello I got some trouble when I build the dist folder because required "hostname" option. `✔ Client Compiled successfully in 20.00s

✔ Server Compiled successfully in 12.53s

wait Rendering static HTML...

SITEMAP Not generating sitemap because required "hostname" option doesn't exist wait Generating service worker... success Generated static files in permaculture/.vuepress/dist. ` And there is my config.js Looks like the plugin doesn't see my hostname setup. Any idea Thanks

plugins: [ "@vuepress/plugin-back-to-top", "@vuepress/plugin-medium-zoom", "vuepress-plugin-copyright", { noCopy: true, noSelect: true, authorName: "Coeur Digital" }, "seo", { siteTitle: (_, $site) => $site.title, title: $page => $page.title, description: $page => $page.frontmatter.description, author: (_, $site) => $site.themeConfig.author, tags: $page => $page.frontmatter.tags, twitterCard: _ => "summary_large_image", type: $page => ["articles", "posts", "blog"].some(folder => $page.regularPath.startsWith("/" + folder) ) ? "article" : "website", url: (_, $site, path) => ($site.themeConfig.domain || "") + path, image: ($page, $site) => $page.frontmatter.image && ($site.themeConfig.domain || "") + $page.frontmatter.image, publishedAt: $page => $page.frontmatter.date && new Date($page.frontmatter.date), modifiedAt: $page => $page.lastUpdated && new Date($page.lastUpdated) }, "sitemap", { hostname: "https://permatheque.org" }, "@vuepress/pwa", { serviceWorker: true, updatePopup: true }, "@vuepress/google-analytics", { ga: "UA-109034954-5" } ]

Coeur-Digital commented 4 years ago

Got the point [ ] was missing