ekolis / stars-nova

Clone of the classic 4X game Stars!. Fork of original svn repo on SourceForge.
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Ships should default to traveling at their cruise speed #45

Open ekolis opened 4 years ago

ekolis commented 4 years ago

Describe what is missing Ships default to traveling at warp 0, so issuing a waypoint mysteriously fails. They should default to traveling at their cruise speed (optimal speed for regular engines, free speed for ramscoops) like they did in Stars!

Screenshots N/A

marhawkman commented 4 years ago

I've been seeing them all default to warp 6 even if their optimal speed is less than that. But yeah, they don't have the optimal speed set by engine type.

ekolis commented 4 years ago

Perhaps if they have previous move orders, they should default to traveling at the same speed they were going at before?

marhawkman commented 4 years ago

sounds good I guess.

ekolis commented 4 years ago

Hmm. For some reason when I try to read the engine component's optimal speed, it comes back as zero, even though I see it right there in the intel XML file...