ekonbenefits / impromptu-interface

Static interface to dynamic implementation (duck casting). Uses the DLR combined with Reflect.Emit.
Apache License 2.0
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Interface with different interface collection as property #21

Open buddhamanglerdefi opened 7 years ago

buddhamanglerdefi commented 7 years ago

I cannot figure out how why ActLike is having issues in this particular case. I am testing a controller action that returns a JsonResult and I am attempting to do actionResult.Data.ActLike(typeof(IRow)). the returned object for that call has the outer properties populated just fine, but is having big problems with the 'rows' property. When I try to enumerate it, it says the object does not have GetEnumerator method. What is the proper way to do this? I have tried other iterations where the property is IRow[] which also does not work. Also I am unsure whether my call to ActLike needs the typeof(IRow) parameter,

            var zipPreferenceData = credentials.Select(s => new
                id = s.Id,
                cell = new[] { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5" , "6" }

            var jqGridData = new { page = 1, total = 1, records = credentials.Count, rows = zipPreferenceData };
            return new JsonResult { Data = jqGridData, JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet };
    public interface IJqGridData
        int page { get; set; }
        int total { get; set; }
        int records { get; set; }
        IList<IRow> rows { get; set; }

    public interface IRow
        long id { get; set; }
        string[] cell { get; set; }   

var data = actionResult.Data.ActLike<IJqGridData>(typeof(IRow));