Short summary on how this module works:
1. Upon deployment, there are a few parameters to be set:
a. minDeb - the minimum debt to be taken in order to open a CDP
b. liquidationCR - the CR is which a CDP becomes available from liquidation
c. minCR - the minimum CR required to open a CDP. has to be higher than liquidationCR.
d. protocolFee - currently set on constructor, but I want to change this to pull the protocol fee fro moduleManager
4. The prices are all takes from chainlink price feeds
5. Each CDPPool deals with only 1 type of collateral
1. open() - open a brand new CDP for a user. if there is already an open CDP, the user cannot call this function
2. addCollateral() - the user can add collateral to the position, healing the CDP further. No fee
3. removeCollateral() - the user can remove collateral from the position in case the CR goes higher. There is a fee
6. addDebt() - the user can take additional debt if the CR approves it. in order to take more debt, minCR has to be met.
7. removeDebt() - the user can remove debt, burning PHO from the user causing heal of the position. minDebt has to be met. No fee
8. close() - If the user wants to completely close the position, he can call this function. this is the only function that closes the position.
9. liquidate() - liquidation function in case the CR drops under the liquidationCR. currently does NOT handle underwater liquidations.
CDP Module writing.
- main CDP module fileICDPPool.sol
- interface