eksctl-io / eksctl

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eksctl AMI autoresolver error: Error: invalid AMI "auto" (managedNodeGroups[0].ami) #4039

Closed Thomas999999 closed 3 years ago

Thomas999999 commented 3 years ago


created cluster since years with --node-ami auto like this: _eksctl create cluster --name eks120 --region eu-west-1 --tags "instance_group_01=data_intelligence,pqp_testnumber=eks120,shutdown_status=true,sec-by-def-network-exception=SSH" --version 1.20 --nodegroup-name workers --node-type m4.4xlarge --nodes 4 --nodes-min 0 --nodes-max 10 --ssh-access --asg-access --node-volume-size 128 --node-volume-type gp2 --vpc-public-subnets subnet-0d64ed5c0e6008c70,subnet-0249675a88d9c714b --ssh-public-key SLV_keypairIRE --node-ami-family AmazonLinux2 --node-ami auto --auto-kubeconfig

But now getting the following error: Error: invalid AMI "auto" (managedNodeGroups[0].ami)

[root@ip-192-168-11-17 ~]# eksctl version 0.59.0

Has something changed here? Currently we cannot create clusters in our environment.

Thanks, Thomas

cPu1 commented 3 years ago

Hi @Thomas999999, eksctl, as of 0.58, creates managed nodegroups when a config file isn't specified. Managed nodegroups do not support setting --node-ami to auto because that's the default behaviour. To fix this, you can remove the node-ami option or pass --managed=false to use unmanaged nodegroups.

Thomas999999 commented 3 years ago

Thanks :-)

I only checked https://eksctl.io/usage/custom-ami-support/ and there was no mentioning that since 0.58 node-ami auto must not be set in specific cases...maybe you can add this ?...but I'm fine now and you may also close this ticket, Thanks ! :-)

cPu1 commented 3 years ago

Thanks :-)

I only checked https://eksctl.io/usage/custom-ami-support/ and there was no mentioning that since 0.58 node-ami auto must not be set in specific cases...maybe you can add this ?...but I'm fine now and you may also close this ticket, Thanks ! :-)

Good point, noted!