eksime / VDesk

Launch programs on new virtual desktops.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Feature Request: Creating New Desktops - New Behaviors #77

Open antonyupward opened 4 years ago

antonyupward commented 4 years ago

Desktops are persistent between boots of windows.

Thus it is not possible (or at least difficult) to have a batch file that runs at startup which both creates the desired desktops, and then runs programs on the desired desktop. See the scenarios below which explain problems in the current situation, as I understand it, which this feature request aims to resolve.

Request Provide a new verb for to complement vdesk create[:n], perhaps "createnew:m"

If the current number of desktops is x, and m>x+1 then vdesk creates the 'missing' desktops between desktop x and desktop m, as well as creating desktop m.

If desktop m already exists, vdesk returns a status code to indicate this (not an error)

Allow vdesk createnew to additionally use desktop names to identify the desired desktop - see feature request 74

Scenario 1 The batch file would work OK on first boot, when only the default "Desktop 1" exists, using vdesk create[:n] to create n new desktops.

But on the second run the batch file would create another [n] desktops, and again on every subsequent boot.

Scenario 2 Similarly, if the batch file used only vdesk [args] to create a new desktop for the command, on every boot an additional desktop would be created on each run.

Further, if you then wanted the batch file to open a second program on the new desktop using vdesk on:n [args] on the second boot, the second program would open on a different desktop to the first.

i.e. first boot: Desktop1, Desktop2 command1program command2program second boot: Desktop 1, Desktop2 command2program Desktop3 command1program