ekstrand / ESP8266wifi

ESP8266 Arduino library with built in reconnect functionality
MIT License
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Redeclaration of symbols When compiling #71

Closed GrimJu closed 10 months ago

GrimJu commented 3 years ago

When i try to compile any code with SerialESP8266Wifi.h included It tries to redeclare all the Symbols that are at the start of SerialESP8266Wifi.cpp.

.pio\libdeps\esp01_1m\SerialESP8266wifi\SerialESP8266wifi.cpp:15:57: error: 'const char OK []' redeclared as different kind of symbol

define PROGMEM attribute((section(".progmem.data")))

This happens with every Single constant in the file

I've tried it in both arduino Studio and PlatformIO it has the same error in both of them