ektrah / nsec

A modern and easy-to-use cryptographic library for .NET 8+ based on libsodium
MIT License
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Getting Platform Not Supported Error #76

Closed Derrick-Tan-Aquametro closed 8 months ago

Derrick-Tan-Aquametro commented 10 months ago

I am in windows 10.

All the libsodium.dll files is here: image

But I am getting this error... It is after build, does it affect by Virtual Machine? I don't think so right...


mimeister commented 9 months ago

I seem to have the the same problem with my .NET 6 WPF applications. When running on a physical Win10 machine, everything is fine, but if I run the applications inside of a Win10 VirtualBox VM or the Windows Sandbox a PlatformNotSupportedException is thrown as soon as any NSec functionality is used:

2023-08-17 12:59:45.6827 ERROR System.Exception System.PlatformNotSupportedException: Could not initialize platform-specific components. NSec may not be supported on this platform. See https://nsec.rocks/docs/install for more information. 
EXCEPTION: System.PlatformNotSupportedException: Could not initialize platform-specific components. NSec may not be supported on this platform. See https://nsec.rocks/docs/install for more information.
 ---> System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'libsodium' or one of its dependencies: Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden. (0x8007007E)
   at Interop.Libsodium.sodium_library_version_major()
   at NSec.Cryptography.Sodium.InitializeCore()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at NSec.Cryptography.Sodium.InitializeCore()
   at NSec.Cryptography.Algorithm..ctor()
   at NSec.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm..ctor(Int32 hashSize)
   at NSec.Cryptography.Blake2b..ctor(Int32 hashSize)
   at NSec.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm.get_Blake2b_256()

Edit: The VMs are running .NET Desktop Runtime 6.0.21. But after upgrading the physical machine from 6.0.19 to 6.0.21 it still works, so it's probably not an issue of the runtime.

samuel-lucas6 commented 9 months ago

The Visual C++ Redistributable is required on Windows. This is mentioned at the bottom of the NSec Installation page. You need the vcruntime DLL in the same directory as a self-contained application if the runtime hasn't been installed (see #67).

mimeister commented 9 months ago

Thanks, I had overlooked that. It works after installing that.

samuel-lucas6 commented 9 months ago

It is quite easy to miss. @ektrah do you think it would be worth putting it in a highlighted Note section like the warning about nonce reuse for AEADs?

ektrah commented 8 months ago

I have reworked the page a bit in 0eb608dd6908f4ed5ba6446a3f6b7ecb04e799a2. I hope that makes it more clear 😸