ekumenlabs / terminus

Library to create cities and terrains
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Bad string creation for RNDF #239

Closed agalbachicar closed 7 years ago

agalbachicar commented 7 years ago

From the Darpa Chanllenge spec:

"The RNDF is a tab-delimited ASCII file. Within the RNDF, strings have a maximum length of 128 characters, and do not contain any spaces, backslashes, or *. Integers are always positive and have a maximum value of 32,768."

Right now, there are some strings which are being generated with spaces. I would add the length constraint too.

The samples at Darpa web page (https://www.grandchallenge.org/grandchallenge/resources.html) show the strings with '_' characters instead of blanks. I suggest doing the same.

basicNew commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the report @agalbachicar !