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Samples won't play. #5

Closed Hiko-Tanizawa closed 9 years ago

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

I found a bag . when I drag samples onto the row from browser ,it won't play correctly or won't play at all. All i did was changing sample start/end point and added another samples from browser. Did you change way to save re[mix] set? it's happens with my set . it's not happen with blank new set.

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

Thank you for the info.:) I just looked inside of Multimap but I could not map with 64 yet. I will take a look again.

there is no lag any more . it's so smooth even controlling 6 faders at the same time.:)

el-quinto commented 9 years ago

there's a better example called 'multimapper' on the maxforlive website. it's basically the same thing, but 8 knobs instead of one. it doesn't have monome support though. neither does multimap...

if you're looking for a way to make the 6 faders in mlr-aux mappable with Ableton, i was just suggesting these for ideas if you want to try editing mlr-aux.

el-quinto commented 9 years ago

i'm thinking about including an example fx rack to demonstrate some things u can do with the per-row macro settings. it seems nobody uses or understands this feature so i thought this might make it easier. what do u think? if u want to try it-


u need to click refresh on group1.amxd once u add it to your group tracks.

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

I would like to find out how to use macro efficiently.

el-quinto commented 9 years ago

let me know if u need help. the multimapper device i mentioned can be used for re:mix macros if u want. it's really cool because you can map the macros to anything in ableton. (i've had amazing results with it)

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

Thank you. I want to use beat repeat and some effect. Do you map "macro on/off" ?

el-quinto commented 9 years ago

You mean in the setup tab?

No, that just disables the macro control feature entirely. i thought the option would be useful if u have effect racks on your group tracks and don't want re:mix controlling the macros.

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

I see . i kind of finding out little by little. do you map macro knob in re[mix]? I mapped them with computer keyboard like on/off each knobs but i need to pick specific row to use it every time. (maybe i'm using it wrong way.lol)

el-quinto commented 9 years ago

no, there isn't a way to toggle on/off macros like with sends because macros are not always as simple as just wet/dry. a macro could be mapped to anything in a rack, so 0 position does not always = dry.

el-quinto commented 9 years ago

i'll think about a macro on/off switch, though they weren't really intended to be toggled this way.

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

I see. So how do you use it? I was thinking to set it manually by keyboard or iPad to change amount and trigger it with monome .

el-quinto commented 9 years ago

let's say i want a certain sample with high-pass filter and bit-crush- i set those to controls to the right values in re:mix for the corresponding row, then when i trigger that sample it will have those effects applied. sometimes i'll have the same sample on multiple rows, each with different macro settings to get cool variations.

and this may be obvious, but the 8 knobs in the sampler window next to Sends are your macro settings.

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

Now I totally got it.:) I thought using them on the fly .

That's right . Many variations with your way to set up. Thank you so much.:)

el-quinto commented 9 years ago

no problem. :)

el-quinto commented 9 years ago

i just finished adding a macro toggle switch (check out the readme for new controls)

i'm not going to upload it to github yet because i still might change the controls more over the next couple days.

if u want to try it- https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/35035949/re%5Bmix%5D.zip

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

Thank you .:) I love this one . it's very fun.:)

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

this one is from read me .

15 (with 12 held) - tap tempo 16 (with 12 held) - macro toggle

15 (with 13 held) - punch-in 16 (with 13 held) - record go

15 (with 12+13 held) - previous recorder input 16 (with 12+13 held) - next recorder input

I think 13 held and 14 held?

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

Brightness on 2nd row is slightly weak when held 13+14 together .


el-quinto commented 9 years ago

thats to show you which input is selected.

el-quinto commented 9 years ago

yeah 13 & 14. my mistake

el-quinto commented 9 years ago

i think i'm going to make the macro on/off switch pattern recordable… i had tried to do a macro on/off switch when i started work on redux but i could never get it to work right. seems pretty good now. :)

i'm going to be rearranging more of the controls with these new mod buttons (preset + - when held) i think i can make switching pages easier now with one hand. (using mod3/4 and the pattern recorders)

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

I got it. Yes please.:) Thank you so much.

I was able to combine multimap and aux together in one but i think OSC to midi is hard to translate . I will go with my wife's ipad.lol

el-quinto commented 9 years ago

i'm still learning things in max, so every feature i add i have to spend a bunch of time experimenting. for me to make a mappable mlr-aux it would probably take 8+ hours to get it right and bug-free. i know it would be cool, but i don't have a 64 so i would never be able to use it.

el-quinto commented 9 years ago

i'm sorry about that. i would help u out if i had a 64.

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

oh no problem.:) I'm really enjoying with this app. I'm sorry for being delay for video.

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

things gets busy nowadays..:(

el-quinto commented 9 years ago

this is my key to learning max- wanting a feature bad enough to spend however much free time it takes experimenting to get it working. (most of what i learned is from fixing bugs) lol.

it's why i started redux/re:mix. (because i wanted a functional mlr that bad)

i think making mlr-aux mappable would be a perfect intro to learning max if you ever wanted to start.

el-quinto commented 9 years ago

new control layout. pattern recordable macro switch :)


Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

YES!! I just tried little bit and it's very good .:) I can't wait to play around tonight.

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

Thank you so much.:)

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

Yey more control on monome.:) I have an idea. how about switch like this ? 15 (with mod 3 held) set tempo (light indicates a mismatch between current and preset tempos)

15 - macro toggle (can be momentary when held) (pattern recordable)

I caught myself changing presets by accidentally when using macro control and I assume ppl use it more than changing tempo?

It's just an idea :) let me know what you think.

also In record length mode press 9 does not have light on.

el-quinto commented 9 years ago

9 is sort of a weird record length anyways, so i wouldn't worry about it so much. i took the record length page code from mlr_cyst and knew about that bug too.

el-quinto commented 9 years ago

i was thinking the same thing. :) i made macro toggle button 15, and record go is now mod3+4 pressed together

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

Thank you. I'm having fun with it.:)