Open Its-Austin opened 2 months ago
What permission plugin are you using?
Lucky perms
That's strange, LuckPerms (?) is what I use and test with. There have been some incompatible permission plugins in the past, but I thought we mostly had the kinks worked out.
Players shouldn't need any permission by default, and if you're not using any permission plugin players should be able to craft and use wands.
The only thing that would keep them from wands would be if you have specifically negated some permissions, like "" or "Magic." or something like that.
The fact that ops can use everything makes it sound more like a permission problem than an incompatibility of some kind.
But just in case, do you see any errors in your server logs or does Magic report errors to operators?
Well even ops don't have access to everything. Using the magic part of the magic plugin works but crafting isn't. This was and is an issue before using luck perms. I thought it would be of help but it didn't work. I'm using Shock byte as a server hosting if that helps. Also what do i do to send magic reports/errors?
There is no error reporting mechanism, but the plugin should tell you if there are errors in the logs when you log in.
Might be a good idea to check manually, though. If you'd like to attach your server logs here you can. I'd prefer it to be a clean startup, with you logging in then trying to craft or use a wand.
Can ops use a wand if given it via /mgive
Yes ops can use wands via /mgive
9/2 3:54:39 PM [Info] [Magic] Loaded 0 attributes 9/2 3:54:39 PM [Info] [Magic] Wand crafting is enabled 9/2 3:54:39 PM [Info] [Magic] Skin-based spell icons disabled 9/2 3:54:39 PM [Info] [21:54:39 INFO]: [Magic] Registered attributes: [target_fall_distance, minecraft:wind_charged, regeneration, respiration, projectile_protection, bowpower, degrees, seconds, channeling, target_pitch, humidity, pitch, sharpness, darkness, jump, health_max, efficiency, target_luck, target_light, absorption, blindness, target_armor, loyalty, minecraft:weaving, slow_digging, silk_touch, fire_resistance, unluck, invisibility, target_health_max, moon, air_max, slow, light, mana_max, bowpull, damage, minecraft:trial_omen, weeks, swift_sneak, mending, epoch, protection, air, fast_digging, lure, punch, temperature, frost_walker, movement_speed_bps, power, riptide, health_boost, levitation, increase_damage, density, poison, health, target_temperature, binding_curse, yaw, mana, glowing, target_health, target_humidity, days, infinity, impaling, bad_omen, luck, thorns, hero_of_the_village, target_hunger, smite, minecraft:raid_omen, location_x, unbreaking, location_y, target_mana, feather_falling, attack_damage, knockback, fire_aspect, luck_of_the_sea, knockback_resistance, saturation, conduit_power, location_z, target_air, bane_of_arthropods, soul_speed, night_vision, level, minutes, water_breathing, fall_distance, quick_charge, multishot, aqua_affinity, hunger, slow_falling, difficulty, armor, wind_burst, fulltime, blast_protection, confusion, damage_dealt, harm, piercing, fire_protection, target_yaw, dolphins_grace, speed, weakness, damage_resistance, heal, target_mana_max, minecraft:oozing, breach, hours, fortune, looting, minecraft:infested, velocity, sweeping_edge, target_air_max, movement_speed, play_time, depth_strider, xp, target_location_x, pi, target_location_y, vanishing_curse, target_knockback_resistance, target_location_z, time, flame, wither] 9/2 3:54:39 PM [Info] [Magic] Loaded 182 icons 9/2 3:54:40 PM [Info] [Magic] Loaded 12 effect lists 9/2 3:54:40 PM [Info] [Magic] Loaded 1403 items 9/2 3:54:40 PM [Info] [Magic] Loaded 199 wands 9/2 3:54:40 PM [Info] [Magic] Loaded 2 kits 9/2 3:54:40 PM [Info] [21:54:40 INFO]: [Magic] Loaded 10 classes 9/2 3:54:40 PM [Info] [21:54:40 INFO]: [Magic] Loaded 5 classes 9/2 3:54:40 PM [Info] [Magic] Loaded 48 mob templates 9/2 3:54:40 PM [Info] [Magic] Loaded 8 automata templates 9/2 3:54:40 PM [Info] [Magic] Loaded 0 customized worlds 9/2 3:54:40 PM [Info] [Magic] Registered currencies: item,mana,xp,health,currency,sp,levels,hunger 9/2 3:54:40 PM [Info] [Magic] Loaded 555 spells 9/2 3:54:40 PM [Info] [Magic] Loaded 12 progression paths 9/2 3:54:40 PM [Info] [Magic] Loaded 16 crafting recipes 9/2 3:54:40 PM [Info] [Magic] [skull{display:{Name:"{\"text\":\"Copper Chunk\"}"},SkullOwner:{Id:[I;-1036162939,-1851833705,-1803264362,-2044992477],Properties:{textures:[{Value:"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODc2NDA2MGI4MThlNGE2NzA2NzEzYzg1MWRmNTJhZmZiNzAwODM3MDE5Y2JkNzcxMjZlYTE1NGU3MGNkNjcxYyJ9fX0="}]}}}] Custom NBT tags on items are no longer supported. Please change to the {1234} syntax for custom model data. 9/2 3:54:40 PM [Info] [Magic] Loaded 0 arenas 9/2 3:54:40 PM [Info] [Magic] Finished loading configuration
9/2 4:52:45 PM [Error] Tried to load unrecognized recipe: magic:magictorch removed now.Copy 9/2 4:52:45 PM [Error] [22:52:45 ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: magic:talisman removed now.Copy 9/2 4:52:45 PM [Error] [22:52:45 ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: magic:mirrorshield removed now.Copy 9/2 4:52:45 PM [Error] [22:52:45 ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: magic:spellbook removed now.Copy 9/2 4:52:45 PM [Error] [22:52:45 ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: magic:divinghelmet removed now.Copy 9/2 4:52:45 PM [Error] [22:52:45 ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: magic:goggles removed now.Copy 9/2 4:52:45 PM [Error] [22:52:45 ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: magic:wand removed now.Copy 9/2 4:52:45 PM [Error] [22:52:45 ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: magic:magicsword removed now.Copy 9/2 4:52:45 PM [Error] [22:52:45 ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: magic:magichat removed now.Copy 9/2 4:52:45 PM [Error] [22:52:45 ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: magic:magicbow removed now.Copy 9/2 4:52:45 PM [Error] [22:52:45 ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: magic:spellbook removed now.Copy
Can you please let me know what server version and plugin version you're using?
The output of both /version
and /magic
would be best.
(apologies if you got a notification here with a weird meme, that was meant for a different issue 😅)
Here you go, for this one " you have to craft with the magic version of the items, so /mgive diamond|/mgive stick|etc. " it did work so its more of a crafting issue
Ok, thanks a lot! That does help, I'm able to reproduce the problem. I can't craft with naturally-spawned sticks or amethyst shards.
As you said, it only works with the versions I get from /mgive
Those versions seem to have a "damage" component attached. I'm guessing my plugin is doing that somewhere, and shouldn't be.
I will need to track that down and release a fix- sorry for any trouble in the meantime!
No worries I will use this work around for now! Let me know when a fix becomes official and posted. I've been loving this plugin for what seems like 5ish years now! I think i've been using it since 2016 give or take a few years. So if I can be of help then I'd love to assist!
Thanks! The crafting issue should be fixed in this dev build:
I'll need to release it asap, but you can use a dev build in the meantime if you want to test it out and let me know if it's all good :)
Do you think there were other issues besides the crafting? I think you mentioned something about non-ops not being able to use a wand even when given one?
Ill let you know about any other issues but the crafting is fixed! :D
The Music spell is not playing music
While using the plugin it does not work for anyone unless they are a operator. I've tried to use a couple of solutions such as reinstalling it, going through configs and even using lucky perms but with no solution or result.
Non operators/ Admins do not have access craft anything within the magic plugin, they do not have access to use magic even when given a magic wand with /mgive wand @ P.
And even with Operators and Admins most of the time crafting is not working.