elBukkit / MagicPlugin

A Bukkit plugin for spells, wands and other magic
MIT License
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Add Support For Datapack Tags #906

Open zacharyki102 opened 3 years ago

zacharyki102 commented 3 years ago
  1. Is there a way to add a vanilla tag (like the /tags command ones) to a modifier?
  2. how do you set attributes to stack/add instead of replace when multiple are used at once? (Working with datapacks for a semi race system using modifiers)

as an example for the 1st one, being able to execute a command as every entity with the “magical” tag or having a spell check for a tag and run a specific set of actions based in the result (currently using that with passive spells for things like silver or garlic type effects) There is a tags section in the mage data but i haven’t been able to make them compatible with selections using @a[tag] commands or when checking using the/tag get command

NathanWolf commented 3 years ago

You can specify an operation for attributes, like:

      value: 20
      operation: MULTIPLY_SCALAR_1

Options are from here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/attribute/AttributeModifier.Operation.html

I have no tag support, not sure that's even possible outside of a datapack.