elBukkit / PreciousStones

Self-service protection for Minecraft servers
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Players can steal stuff with minecart hopper #103

Open xGlenor opened 3 years ago

xGlenor commented 3 years ago

Hello, it is me again 😄

The problem is that a player who is not added to the story is able to push the Hopper minecart and shove it under the crates, which allows you to rob crates Is there a chance to block this error?

xtomyserrax commented 3 years ago

Could you record this? Well its a really hard task to fix because if you put the minecart outside the field then as far as I know, we cant know who placed it when it is stealing stuff. Maybe a solution could be a prevent-minecart-hopper flag but it would prevent it for anyone

xGlenor commented 3 years ago


Hi, I'm sending a video below. I tried to show it somehow. In the place of the chest there is a field

xtomyserrax commented 3 years ago

Hey I understand it now. Sadly we cant know who pushes a minecart. This issue can easily fixed by field owners by protecting their fields corners with blocks as Minecarts cant elevate as far as I know Maybe I can find a way to add a prevent-entry-hopper-minecart flag but this will prevent any hopper minecart from being inside a field (owners wont be able to place them either) Or we can also add a flag to prevent hopper minecarts from taking items. Both flags could fix this but again, they wont consider who placed that minecart