elBukkit / PreciousStones

Self-service protection for Minecraft servers
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Add a far more comprehensive .gitignore #72

Closed A248 closed 3 years ago

A248 commented 3 years ago

Will allow others to contribute more easily.

xtomyserrax commented 3 years ago

Heeey, thank you! Contributions would be really helpful so thanks for trying to improve them.

In my case I dont really know much about you added but I guess it wont break any functionality with the maven repo and those things, right? In case you want to review this @NathanWolf

A248 commented 3 years ago

The .gitignore is purely git-related. It instructs git to ignore files within the .gitignore, preventing them from being committed. For example, you wouldn't want to upload the /bin/ or /target/ folders to Github. These contain .class files which are not supposed to be stored in a git repo. Some other files you would want to ignore are .iml, .idea, .project, .classpath, and .settings since these are IDE-specific project files.


it wont break any functionality with the maven repo and those things, right?

I want to emphasise that a maven repo and a git repo are completely different things. This fork of PreciousStones is the elBukkit/PreciousStones git repo hosted by Github. However, a maven repository is the kind of URL you place in your pom.xml to resolve dependencies. For example, you can see on this line in the pom.xml that PreciousStones declares the sk89q maven repository.

The PreciousStones maven repo looks like it has been offline and non-functional for ages. If you look in the pom it is

xtomyserrax commented 3 years ago

Heey, thank you for the additional information! This is the actual maven repo of PS: http://jenkins.elmakers.com/job/PreciousStones/

Ill merge this then. Feel free to make more PRs if you want to. Thanks for your help!