I have discovered some issues by adding certain values in the input fields. The first one ist the field "Every" - a text input. This field only allows values higher than 0, all other values will lead to an error.
This will lead to the following error:
Fortunatelly solving this issue is very simple - replace the field with a number field and set the min attribute to 1:
I have discovered some issues by adding certain values in the input fields. The first one ist the field "Every" - a text input. This field only allows values higher than 0, all other values will lead to an error.
This will lead to the following error:
Fortunatelly solving this issue is very simple - replace the field with a number field and set the min attribute to 1:
<input x-model.number="rrule.INTERVAL" min="1" :disabled="settings.limit_mode !== 'count'":name="count-options-${inputfield}" class="uk-input uk-width-1-1" type="number">
Works as expected!