eladg / ffmpeg-by-example

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CSS: UI improvement suggestions #1

Closed Speykious closed 2 years ago

Speykious commented 3 years ago

Looking forward to ffmpeg-by-example! I think it is a great thing to have a minimalist website at our disposal to better learn ffmpeg, and being able to point to a website for lots of concrete examples to be used eventually.

This issue is aimed at providing UI improvement suggestions for the website: colors, responsiveness, eye candy, consistency, basically styling. Although, I'll make sure not to suggest too "bloated" suggestions (a bunch of animations for instance) as keeping the website minimal is a quality in and of itself. If I find various things or nitpicks that I think could be improved, I will report them here. If I have time, maybe I could also contribute some CSS on my own.

However, I'm no professional designer by any means. I am just sharing what I think would be better; so if an actual designer wants to correct me on something, I'll gladly stand corrected!

General design

Home page

Example page

Taking this example as a reference.

There we go, my... starts counting 10 cents on the topic :)