eladnava / applicationize

Converts your favorite web apps into desktop apps with their own dedicated launcher icon.
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Window management (command + tab) is broken on Mac #17

Open eladnava opened 8 years ago

eladnava commented 8 years ago

For some strange reason, it's impossible to Cmd + Tab from applicationized apps back to Chrome (nothing happens when selecting the Chrome icon).

yannrouillard commented 8 years ago

I have the same problem, but I am not sure it is related to Applicationize as I experienced the same issue with the Signal Desktop Client which is also packaged as an extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/signal-private-messenger/bikioccmkafdpakkkcpdbppfkghcmihk

Currently you have to switch between windows of the same application (not between different applications) to see the chrome main window. You will notice that each applicationized web page still appears under the windows menu of the chrome browser.

eladnava commented 8 years ago

@yannrouillard That's correct, it's the case with any Chrome "packaged app" extension that runs in its own window.

eladnava commented 7 years ago

Chrome Version 53.0.2785.143 (64-bit) still suffers from this annoying bug which affects both hosted and packages apps, as well as bookmarked apps.

guidokok commented 7 years ago

I have the same issue. Version 54.0.2840.98 (64-bit)

blizzrdof77 commented 6 years ago

Dang, this is frustrating! In Mac, enabling "UI Layout for the browser's top chrome" flag in chrome://flags/#top-chrome-md restricts hosted apps to their own window(s) when cycling throw with Command+Tilde, but then when navigating back to chrome through the app switch (or Command+Tab), the font-most hosted app stays focused until you click into the main chrome window. 😞

eladnava commented 6 years ago

@blizzrdof77 Yes it really is. Chrome team is not going to fix this, I'm afraid.

I highly recommend you check out Nativefier as an alternative to Applicationize: https://github.com/jiahaog/nativefier

sudhanshug16 commented 4 years ago

@eladnava Any updates on this? If I create a shortcut for some app through chrome (selecting "open as window" option), then cmd+tab works as expected. Looking at this behaviour, I believe that there has been some progress on this indeed.

eladnava commented 4 years ago

@sudhanshu16 Indeed looks like it's fixed now in the latest Chrome on macOS 🎉 😄

Give it a try: https://applicationize.me/now

sudhanshug16 commented 4 years ago

@eladnava I don't think that you understood me correctly. I meant that cmd+tab works when I "create a shortcut". App generated via applicationize still can't do this. If I do cmd+tab, the focus stays at the applicationized app and doesn't shift to main chrome window. Maybe some API changed 🤔 maybe we need to pass some additional parameters.

eladnava commented 4 years ago

Hi @sudhanshu16, Indeed it works using the "Create a Shortcut" feature. However, I just checked yesterday and it works in Applicationize apps as well! 😄

Please try to update your Google Chrome version. I'm running 80.0.3987.149 on macOS.

eladnava commented 4 years ago

My bad, I was using CMD + ` (tilda) instead of CMD + Tab.

Yep, the issue still exists. Honestly I recommend using the built-in feature Create a Shortcut as it works really well 👍