elado / next-with-less

Next.js + Less CSS Support
MIT License
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`next` dev mode not working with next 12.0.3, antd 4.16.13 #17

Closed lgenzelis closed 2 years ago

lgenzelis commented 2 years ago

Hi! I'm using the latest versions of next (12.0.3), antd (4.16.13) and next-with-less (2.0.2). Things were working fine until next 12.0.2. However, something broke with 12.0.3. Production mode (next build && next start) works fine, but dev mode (next) doesn't. This is the error I'm getting:

error - ./node_modules/antd/dist/antd.less:4:0
Module not found: Can't resolve '../lib/image/style/'

I'm reporting this here because, since next doesn't support less, I don't think they're gonna regard this as their issue 😓

chemicalkosek commented 2 years ago

It's a bug within Next.js. Should be fixed in 12.0.4. You can wait for that, or stick to 12.0.2 for now. Or try next@canary as it should be fixed there.

lgenzelis commented 2 years ago

Awesome, thanks for that quick reply @chemicalkosek . I'll leave this open until next 12.0.4 is released and I can confirm that it indeed solves this problem.

chemicalkosek commented 2 years ago


iicdii commented 2 years ago

We can safely close it now since the bug has been fixed in next 12.0.4.