elafargue / opencamera-ble

Adding remote BLE control for the awesome OpenCamera app
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feature request: Write dive log csv/txt #2

Open kaefert opened 5 years ago

kaefert commented 5 years ago

Hi there!

I've got a "WeeFine WHF-01 Pro" case and would like to go diving with an LG G6 in it running your app.

I've found 4 apps overall that where able to connect and be controlled by to the WeeFine case:

  1. "WeeFine" (version 1.0.4 as web download & 1.0.6 per update from within the app) http://www.weefine.com/downloads/WeeFine1.0.4_20180919.apk

  2. "SmartHousing" (version 1.0.5) http://www.weefine.com/downloads/SmartHousing.apk

  3. "Dive+" (version 2.2.4) http://dive.plus/assets/apk/DivePlus_latest.apk https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lifeplus.diveplus

  4. "Kraken Housing Camera" (Version 1.44.1) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.wizkers.opencamera

yours is the only one of them that allows to record videos with higher resolutions than 1920x1080 (though sadly also not full 4k as the stock camera app). And yours is also the only one that allows me to switch between wide angle and normal camera (the LG G6 has two back facing cameras)

The only feature I'm missing is some kind of dive log like the Dive+ app promises (unsure what Dive+ would log)

What I'd like is to have a text file (maybe csv?) written with regular timestamps with the current depth and temperature. Plus points if you turn on gps whenever the case is above the water (depth <1m?) and write out gps cordinates too. While below 1m depth gps should be turned of since it's hopeless to get a fix and would only waste battery.

kaefert commented 5 years ago

So I found in https://github.com/elafargue/opencamera-ble/blob/kraken/app/src/main/java/io/wizkers/opencamera/Remotecontrol/BluetoothLeService.java that you already log all kinds of information including depth and temperature when io.wizkers.opencamera.MyDebug.LOG is set (to true?) How can I set this? Do I need some special debug build or can I just create or modify some settings file somewhere to get this log written?

elafargue commented 5 years ago

If you build the app yourself - just use Android Studio, it's not very difficult - you can see the debug stream in the console log, but it is not actually stored anywhere. Saving to a file should be doable, just a matter of prioritizing it.

kaefert commented 5 years ago

ah okey, yes I rember thats this logcat stuff on android. (sorry, I'm not an android developer [yet])