there's a lot of work here. need help with all of that.
when casting is created by director, instead of going to romeo and juliet casting populated, it should go to the created casting page
when role is added, it should be part of added roles in casting populated page
roles page should be editable (have edit button, once edit button is clicked, have save and cancel buttons)
casting page should be editable once populated (have edit button, once edit button is clicked, have save and cancel buttons)
what director selects as available dates in casting calendar, should persist -> dates should be available for view in casting populated page (are we going to make them editable at all? that seems like a lot of work...), they should also be available for actor to choose a casting slot when signing up for casting
when casting is created by director, it should be available in the list of castings for actor to search for (can we enable that? even though a person would need to log-in and out to see that. our app isn't restarting so i think that should work)
when actor signs up for casting, casting should appear on the list of castings in left nav bar
Save data so there is some interactivity for user testing.