elan-ev / tobira

Video portal for Opencast
Apache License 2.0
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Do we need the "Video details" and the "Technical details" pages? #807

Open oas777 opened 1 year ago

oas777 commented 1 year ago

Everything that can be "done" (share) at


can be "done" (better!) at


and/or in the video editor (change metadata)


And information from https://pr792.tobira.opencast.org/~manage/videos/O290gtPkcyw/technical-details can be added to the metadata.

LukasKalbertodt commented 1 year ago

You are right, but that's just a current technical limitation. In the first link you posted, users will be able to edit metadata once we implement that feature. (As this was one of the main thing we planned for this year.) Further, the share menu in the same page is indeed worse than the one on the actual video page. Once we nailed down the share menu design on the video page, we will take a look at this one again to improve it as well.

So I agree, currently this split and the whole "video details" page doesn't make too much sense. But this is already a preparation for the future. The technical details are most likely not interesting to most users, so putting it all into a separate sub page is a good idea in my opinion. Also remember that there will be more sub menus in the future: one for access rights (ACLs) for example.

oas777 commented 1 year ago

https://pr792.tobira.opencast.org is offline, so we better revisit this when 2.0 is released and implemented.

But: Functionalities should be available in one place only. So if the video editor offers an UI to edit metadata, there's no need for another page to do the same. If sharing is available on each video page, we don't need a "Videodetails" page to do the same.

dagraf commented 1 year ago

But: Functionalities should be available in one place only. So if the video editor offers an UI to edit metadata, there's no need for another page to do the same. If sharing is available on each video page, we don't need a "Videodetails" page to do the same.

I disagree. I think, changing metadata should be as straightforward as possible and I would appreciate making it possible in the "Videodetails". Yes, metadata can be changed using the video editor. But it is not easy to find (and to explain to users) and needs quite a lot of clicks and waiting time until I managed to edit them (open video editor > go to metadata > find correct fields > edit > go to Fertig stellen > Does "Änderungen speichern" suffice or do I need to "Verarbeitung starten"?).

LukasKalbertodt commented 1 year ago

Re changing metadata, I agree with David. It's nice that the video editor can do it, but users would expect the workflow from YouTube, which is significantly easier. And actually, to my understanding, "changing metadata in Tobira" was one of the main next things we wanted to tackle. I thought we were all in agreement that this is one big missing feature right now and that it should work. Where did that communication go wrong? :thinking:

If sharing is available on each video page, we don't need a "Videodetails" page to do the same.

What if a video is not included in any page? Then there is no "video page". Then the only link that could be shared is the direct link, and that's what the "my videos" page offers. Further, while I generally agree with the sentiment of "functionality at one place", I don't think it needs to be that strict. We certainly shouldn't have two share menus with different UI. But if the same share button (with the same menu) would appear on the public video page and the "manage my videos" page, I don't think users would get confused, but instead appreciate the convenience.

oas777 commented 1 year ago
dagraf commented 1 year ago

Only on the subject of changing metadata: I agree with Lukas, that changing metadata directly in Tobira itself (and not in the video editor) is a big missing feature in order to make Tobira an easy-to-use video portal. Some more reasons/thoughts:

oas777 commented 1 year ago

Decision from Wednesday's meeting: We'll keep the "Video details" for quick metadata editing of

oas777 commented 1 year ago

PS: Can we agree to get rid of the "Technical details" page?

dagraf commented 1 year ago

PS: Can we agree to get rid of the "Technical details" page?

I would say Yes and No. Explanation:

oas777 commented 1 year ago

All of these could/should become part of the "Video details" page, I think. Actually, you wanted "dcterms:IsPartOf" ("Teil von:") to become editable anyway, makes sense to put it where the other "VIP metadata" (creator, title, description) can be edited.

oas777 commented 1 year ago

PS: Neither "Teil von:" nor "Teil von Serie" sound very appealing, but we wanted to talk about "wording" anyway...

oas777 commented 1 year ago

I'm sure I didn't succeed in adding this to Q2, but I wanted to remind ourselves that we decided on May 24th that this issue (or rather "editing crucial metadata in Tobira" was supposed to be tackled "next". Just in case Ole is looking for work...

oas777 commented 1 year ago


owi92 commented 1 year ago

Editing metadata in Tobira is tracked in #371, which is set for Q3. I don't think this could be done in the remaining weeks of Q2. I will keep this issue here open for now, since it appears that we haven't come to a consensus whether to keep the "technical details" page or not. Maybe we can discuss this in our next meeting.

oas777 commented 1 year ago

Fair enough. I just wanted to make sure it's on your radar. Let's table "technical details" for the next meeting, if that's not too late.

owi92 commented 1 year ago

While we haven't had the chance to bring this up in the last meeting, after re-reading the comments here, let me try to summarize:

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LukasKalbertodt commented 1 year ago

The collapsable technical details are not a bad idea. But I just mentioned in our meeting: I'd propose to halt this discussion and only talk about this again when we can actually edit metadata and ACLs. I think we are discussing this in a total vacuum. Let's first actually implement useful features and once that is done, we can still decide how to best separate them in different pages (or not). Olaf, Ole and Julian seemed to (even if reluctantly :P) agree.

And no, this is not (just :grimacing:) a way to keep you from deleting my beloved technical details page. I really think the discussion makes little sense right now. And I wish I had thought of bringing this up 2 months ago.

oas777 commented 1 year ago

Just a quick shout-out this hasn't been forgotten... and even with "Access policy" and "Statistics" upcoming, I don't foresee a bright future for the "Technical details" (which currently doesn't hold any relevant information we don't have somewhere else).