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Feed parser fails to parse new <nav> elements #216

Closed ken-r-smith closed 2 years ago

ken-r-smith commented 2 years ago

Room IDs have been added to the game feed and the feed parser is throwing assertion errors when moving rooms, causing most rooms to fail to display when moving around the game world.

:unhandled(NAV) -> <nav rm="7044"><pre class="roomName">[Town Square, Northwest - 227]
<pre class="roomDesc">This corner of the square is lively and hectic even at night.  A number of representatives of the Landing's population, including several elven loggers and a party of rough-looking dwarves, loiter around the door of the <a exist="-319" noun="Inn">Raging Thrak Inn</a>, where the rowdy cheers of patrons and voices raised in songs of many sorts, from snatches of heroic ballads to blushingly bawdy tunes, beckon you to enter.  You also see <b class="monster"><b class="monster">a <a exist="46370" noun="priestess">dark-haired half-elven priestess</a></b></b>, an <a exist="46262" noun="tower">ivy-covered white monir tower</a> and a <a exist="46258" noun="statue">polished granite statue</a>.
Obvious paths: <a exist="-11188471" coord="2524,1864" noun="north">north</a>, <a exist="-11188471" coord="2524,1864" noun="east">east</a>, <a exist="-11188471" coord="2524,1864" noun="southeast">southeast</a>, <a exist="-11188471" coord="2524,1864" noun="south">south</a>
<compass><dir value="n"><dir value="e"><dir value="se"><dir value="s"><prompt time="1631500016">&gt;</prompt>
<component class="room players">Also here: <a exist="-11190763" noun="Muchikgy">Muchikgy</a></component>
<a exist="-11190763" noun="Muchikgy">Muchikgy</a> just arrived.</dir></dir></dir></dir></compass></pre></pre></nav>
./src/parser/_v2.js.exports.onunhandled @ _v2.js:132
Assertion failed: did not process all feed elements:
 <nav rm="7041"></nav>
./src/parser/_v2.js.exports.parse @ _v2.js:33