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[gameobj] Armor nouns/names #59

Open Vyrshkana opened 6 years ago

Vyrshkana commented 6 years ago

I did this one a little differently and broke it up by type/bodypart. Leather as a noun by itself doesn't work because of cobbling materials, so I did what I could in terms of coding for it.

Head & Head/Neck:

cabacete - a latten-edged bright vultite cabacete armet - a cockatrice-plumed mithril armet spangenhelm - a burnished steel spangenhelm bascinet - a polished mithglin bascinet barbut - a latten-edged gleaming ora barbut burgonet - a horse hair-crested mithril burgonet sallet - an ora-studded buffed imflass sallet helmet - a red-plumed vultite close helmet greathelm - a spiked blued steel greathelm with a narrowly slitted visor casque - a hammered polished copper casque heaume - a damascened vultite heaume with a wild mane of crimson hair warhelm - a silver-chased mithglin warhelm with curved mithril horns morion - a viciously spiked vultite morion


aventail - a brass-studded invar aventail camail - a shimmering imflass camail gorget - a hammered mithril gorget


haubergon - a golden imflass haubergeon mail - some mithglin brass-trimmed mail armor - some gleaming ora chain armor birnie - a brass-inlay mithglin birnie hauberk - a brass-trimmed ora hauberk cuirass - a hammered invar cuirass breastplate - a nielloed golden imflass breastplate corselet - a glistening chased vultite corselet platemail - some gilded mithglin platemail chainmail - a suit of dwarven-crafted augmented chainmail brigandine - a suit of gold-scaled midnight black brigandine leathers - some shadowy black rune-embossed stalking leathers jack - a thick invar-embellished leather jack

(?:some|suit of) .+?(?:plate|mail|chain|leather)|leather (?:robe|robes|tunic)|(?:chain|chainmail) shirt

Based on the following list of items:

a full-sleeved mithril chain shirt a ruby-studded dark leather tunic tooled with musical notes an invar-adorned sturdy leather tunic some mithril-adorned supple leather robes some engraved mithril field plate some double leather with gold ornamentation some dark blue mithril augmented chain set with thick steel pauldrons some double-link vultite chain banded with riveted steel some deep ale brown studded leather some flame red augmented chain a suit of steel scale mail adorned with bells a dragon-engraved suit of silvery steel half plate some dark cuirbouilli leather laced with golden braids some sturdy boiled leather painted with oxblood stripes a suit of silver-studded leather a suit of glaes-studded leather with bronze fastenings some side-laced burgundy double leather

Arm & Leg:

greaves - some hammered mithglin arm greaves vambraces - a pair of gilded vultite vambraces bracers - some etched blued mithril bracers armguards - a pair of embossed ora armguards guards - a pair of shiny ora shin guards legguards - a pair of etched mithril legguards chausses - some silvery mithglin chausses inset with mithril flanges

Shields: pavis - a gold-spiked mithglin pavis mantlet - a gold-spiked ora mantlet greatshield - a gold-spiked ora greatshield shield - a gold-inlaid ora kite shield scutum - a gold-inlaid mithglin scutum aegis - a gold-inlaid mithglin aegis buckler - a dark mossbark buckler with two carved overlapping diamonds targe - a polished vultite targe inlaid with dark green jade parma - a shimmering parma edged with a jade and amethyst grapevine heater - a mithril-edged vultite heater exception: chocolate heater

Vyrshkana commented 6 years ago

Researching something else and found the Half-Krolvin armor terms. Don't have examples of any of them but I thought I should add them.

krytze | shield (general) ruskag | armor (general) ruskag t'vrak | hide/leather armor (general) ruskag rezga | chainmail lasktol'zko | full plate ruskag teskha | leather/metal helm (head only)

Vyrshkana commented 6 years ago

Adding: coat-of-plates - a mithril coat-of-plates with thick leather padding

ondreian commented 5 years ago

Some of these nouns are common treasure drops, and need to be explored.