elapouya / python-docx-template

Use a docx as a jinja2 template
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error occurs when trying to escape the blank new line in front /behind of a table if -%} syntax is used #488

Open pheman opened 1 year ago

pheman commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

error occurs when trying to escape the blank new line in front /behind of a table if -%} syntax is used


To Reproduce

dynamic_table_tpl.docx plain_table_output.docx the docs template like this (please find the source file attached): scripts code:

from docxtpl import DocxTemplate

tpl = DocxTemplate('templates/plain_table.docx')

content_table = {
    "data": {
        "columns":['date', 'type', 'before', 'after'],
        "values":[['2021-12-31', 'register', 'name: Liu; amount: ****;...; percent: *%;', 'name: Liu; amount: ***; ...; percent: *%;'], ['2020-11-20', 'register', 'name: Liu; amount: ****;... percent: **%;', 'name: Liu; amount: ****;...; percent: *%;'], ['2018-06-27', 'register', 'name: Zhou; amount: ***; ...; percent: **%', 'name: Ding; amount: ***; ...; percent: **%'], ['2019-03-22', 'register', 'name: Liu; amount: ***; ...; percent: **%', 'name: Liu; amount: ****;...; percent: **%']]

content_text = {
    "data": "############this is a text block##########"

content_form = {
    "data": [{'key': 'title', 'value': 'abnormal', 'span': 2}, {'key': 'dispatch', 'value': 'xiehui', 'span': 1}, {'key': 'SN', 'value': None, 'span': 1}, {'key': 'result', 'value': 'abnormal', 'span': 1}, {'key': 'details', 'value': None, 'span': 1}, {'key': 'result', 'value': '', 'span': 2}]


Expected behavior

according to jinjia2 syntax, {%- and -%} should be added if I want to merge the lines. But error occurs when {%- and -%} are used before and after a table.



Additional context

pheman commented 1 year ago

I noticed that the issue is related to #445 {%p may be usefull for {% if something %}, but not for {% macro func(x) %}. it seems that

{%p macro merge(flag) %}
{%p set test = True %}
{%p if flag %}
Flag is true
{%p else %}
Flag is False
{%p endif %}
{%p endmacro %}
{{ merge(True) }}
{{ merge(False) }}

the macro func will never be parsed which generates a docx like below:


elapouya commented 1 year ago

You should not use {%- ... -%} and {{- .. -}} here, Please use {%p ... %} and {{ ... }} instead

pheman commented 1 year ago

You should not use {%- ... -%} and {{- .. -}} here, Please use {%p ... %} and {{ ... }} instead

Yes, thanks for your reply. but {%p ... %} only works for {%p if ... %} but not for {%p macro func(...) %}. since we can not use {%p macro func(...) %} and {%p endmacro %}, there are still two blank lines generated by {%p macro merge(flag) %} and {%p endmacro %}

please find the examples above this comment. https://github.com/elapouya/python-docx-template/issues/488#issuecomment-1512526137

elapouya commented 1 year ago

I never tried macro during development. the goal of {%p ... %} syntax is to replace the xml code for the paragraph where it is located by {% ... %} alone. It should work, I will try to debug...