elastic-rs / elastic

An Elasticsearch REST API client for Rust
Apache License 2.0
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which version shall I use for `elasticsearch 5.6.x`? #377

Closed GopherJ closed 4 years ago

GopherJ commented 5 years ago

Hello, I tried 0.20.10 for elasticsearch@5.6.x, but it seems I cannot compile the examples? So which verison shall I use for elasticsearch 5.6.x?

I got this error while I just would like to do a simple search:

Client(ClientError { inner: Error(Request, State { next_error: Some(Http(Error { kind: Http(Cancel(Canceled { cause: Some("connection was not ready") })), url: Some("http://localhost:9200/_all/positions/_search") })), backtrace: None }) })
GopherJ commented 5 years ago
extern crate actix_web;
extern crate serde_json;

use std::io;
use std::str::FromStr;

use actix_web::{middleware, web, error, Error, App, HttpResponse, HttpServer};
use futures::{Future, Stream};
use elastic::prelude::*;
use serde_json::{Value, json};
use tokio_core::reactor::Core;

fn search(
    (payload, path): (web::Payload, web::Path<(String, String)>),
) -> impl Future<Item = HttpResponse, Error = Error> {
    let mut core = Core::new().unwrap();

    payload.concat2().map_err(Error::from).and_then(move |body| {

        let query = serde_json::Value::from_str(std::str::from_utf8(&body)?)?;

        println!("{}", init::ELASTIC_URL.as_str());

        let client = AsyncClientBuilder::new()

            //.index(format!("rt_events.{}", path.0))
            .ty(Some(format!("{}", path.1)))
    .and_then(|sf| {
        sf .and_then(|res| { Ok(HttpResponse::Ok().body("slksdjls"))
            .map_err(|err| {
                println!("{:?}", err);

mod init;

fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
    std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "actix_web=info");

    println!("Starting http server: {}", init::LISTEN_ADDR.as_str());

    HttpServer::new(|| {
GopherJ commented 5 years ago

when I use 0.21.0-pre.1 I got this error:

Client(ClientError { inner: Error(Response(200), State { next_error: Some(Parse(ParseError { inner: Error("invalid type: integer `189233`, expected struct HitsTotal", line: 1, column: 111) })), backtrace: None }) })
GopherJ commented 5 years ago

So unfortunately, even I already spent one day and a half, I cannot find a way to make this client working with elasticsearch@5.6.16 and rust nightly/stable

It only works with elasticsearch@7, but clearly there are still many companies who use elasticsearch@5


GopherJ commented 5 years ago

can someone help me on this?

mwilliammyers commented 5 years ago

Sorry for the late reply.

0.20.10 should target 5.x.

Canceled { cause: Some("connection was not ready") }

Looks like you just needed to wait a moment (sometimes takes a while) for Elasticsearch to be ready.

mwilliammyers commented 4 years ago

@GopherJ Is it ok if I close this?

GopherJ commented 4 years ago

@mwilliammyers magically it starts to work after switching from ubuntu to deepin.........