The current APM soak setup has not been working for a few months due to upgrade process being broken causing the clusters to be in a bad state. To fix this, the clusters will require to be recreated. In addition, now the clusters should be created as a team cluster rather than an individual cluster. We also need to take this opportunity to decide if we want to keep the soak testing active with the current state where the input data is not updated. Current soak testing infrastructure has 2 components:
A couple of ESS clusters (created using oblt-cli)
Load generator VMs running on ESS (created using terraform)
The current APM soak setup has not been working for a few months due to upgrade process being broken causing the clusters to be in a bad state. To fix this, the clusters will require to be recreated. In addition, now the clusters should be created as a team cluster rather than an individual cluster. We also need to take this opportunity to decide if we want to keep the soak testing active with the current state where the input data is not updated. Current soak testing infrastructure has 2 components:
Follow tasks are required: