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does filebeat azure blob storage input support azure china of v8.10.2 #36789

Open swallretu opened 9 months ago

swallretu commented 9 months ago


i`m using filebeat v8.10.2 to collect the file in azure blob storage, but i use azure china portal. i has followed the doc as bleow url to config the input and output. but no index was created and no data write into es. so i just wonder if filebeat only supports azure global.

- type: azure-blob-storage
  id: /subscriptions/7b43196xxxxxxd327cc80cd/resourceGroups/xu-rm/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/xxxxxageaccount
  enabled: true
  account_name: xxxxxageaccount
  auth.connection_string.uri: DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=xxxxxageaccount;AccountKey=7NrRzxxxxxxuq8p4g==;EndpointSuffix=core.chinacloudapi.cn
  storage_url: https://xxxxxageaccount.blob.core.chinacloudapi.cn
  - name: troyjf
    max_workers: 3
    poll: true
    poll_interval: 10s
  - name: $logs
    max_workers: 3
    poll: true
    poll_interval: 10s

  hosts: ['http://docker-es:9200']
  username: 'elastic'
  password: 'elastic'
  allow_older_versions: true
botelastic[bot] commented 9 months ago

This issue doesn't have a Team:<team> label.

swallretu commented 9 months ago

here is the doc i followed https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/filebeat/current/filebeat-input-azure-blob-storage.html

swallretu commented 9 months ago

no response?