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Investigate number of debug messages of add_kubernetes_metadata processor #38529

Open gizas opened 3 months ago

gizas commented 3 months ago

Filebeat in logging debug mode was reported that returns erroneous number of debug messages. Investigate why we report so many messages and see if we can remove some of them

Filebeat sample config:

        path: ${path.config}/modules.d/*.yml
        reload.enabled: false
    - file_identity.fingerprint: null
      id: cinit-app-filebeat-containers
      type: filestream
        check_interval: 2s
          enabled: true
          length: 512
          offset: 0
        symlinks: true
      - /var/log/containers/dtp-log-gen*.log
      - container:
          format: cri
          stream: all 
belimawr commented 3 months ago

I just remembered this issue and PR:

Could they be the root cause for this behaviour? At least the PR did not get backported to 7.17 because it looked like a 8.x issue.

belimawr commented 1 month ago

I was running the a build from Elastic-Agent + Beats from last week, and when setting the log level to debug, the add_kubernetes_metadata processor from Filebeat flooded the logs.

In a 20s window, 35286 log entries were generated by Filebeat, from those 35200 were:

Skipping add_kubernetes_metadata processor as kubernetes metadata already exist

Full log entry

  "log.level": "debug",
  "@timestamp": "2024-05-31T16:06:17.262Z",
  "message": "Skipping add_kubernetes_metadata processor as kubernetes metadata already exist",
  "component": {
    "binary": "filebeat",
    "dataset": "elastic_agent.filebeat",
    "id": "filestream-default",
    "type": "filestream"
  "log": {
    "source": "filestream-default"
  "log.logger": "kubernetes",
  "log.origin": {
    "file.line": 314,
    "file.name": "add_kubernetes_metadata/kubernetes.go",
    "function": "github.com/elastic/beats/v7/libbeat/processors/add_kubernetes_metadata.(*kubernetesAnnotator).Run"
  "service.name": "filebeat",
  "libbeat.processor": "add_kubernetes_metadata",
  "ecs.version": "1.6.0"

I tested and saw the same behaviour from the latest release, v8.13.4.

If needed, I can provide the diagnostics and logs.

cmacknz commented 1 month ago

Skipping add_kubernetes_metadata processor as kubernetes metadata already exist

This log message seems like it should just be removed or replaced with a counter.

belimawr commented 1 month ago

Skipping add_kubernetes_metadata processor as kubernetes metadata already exist

This log message seems like it should just be removed or replaced with a counter.

But what would we do with this counter?

I don't know much about this processor, but it feels like the message could be removed.

I'm still puzzled by the number of messages on a cluster I had just started. I had other cases with even more messages in a 20s time period. I wonder if that is causing Filebeat to go into a loop of logging something, collecting it, logging more lines about that event, and so on. :thinking: