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[filebeat][websocket] - Added runtime URL modification support based on state and cursor values #39997

Closed ShourieG closed 4 days ago

ShourieG commented 5 days ago

Type of change

Proposed commit message

Till now it was not possible to modify the Websocket URL dynamically via the CEL program as the Websocket logic exists outside the scope of the CEL engine instance. To make this action possible a new instance of the CEL engine was added as a one time execution process to prime the URL before the main CEL program executes. This new CEL instance shares the same state hence its possible to modify and use cursor and state values and in turn modify the URL based off of these values.


Disruptive User Impact

Author's Checklist

How to test this PR locally

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Use cases



mergify[bot] commented 5 days ago

This pull request does not have a backport label. If this is a bug or security fix, could you label this PR @ShourieG? 🙏. For such, you'll need to label your PR with:

To fixup this pull request, you need to add the backport labels for the needed branches, such as:

elasticmachine commented 5 days ago

Pinging @elastic/security-service-integrations (Team:Security-Service Integrations)

elasticmachine commented 4 days ago

Pinging @elastic/elastic-agent-data-plane (Team:Elastic-Agent-Data-Plane)

pierrehilbert commented 4 days ago

Hey @ShourieG I added the necessary label to get your PR reviewed by our team. Could you please make the linter happy by excluding those lines from the linter check? As this is not real credential leak, we should make it aware of it.

ShourieG commented 4 days ago

Hey @ShourieG I added the necessary label to get your PR reviewed by our team. Could you please make the linter happy by excluding those lines from the linter check? As this is not real credential leak, we should make it aware of it.

Hey @pierrehilbert, I think your team got tagged due to an unintended update to the filebeat.yml file which I have reverted now. Fixed the linter btw :)

pierrehilbert commented 4 days ago

run docs-build

ShourieG commented 4 days ago

@efd6, I've addressed all the PR changes and removed the negative syntax tests. @belimawr, your concerns got addressed as the conditions were removed with the latest updates.