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How to Develop an Internal Developer Platform (IDP)- the Modern DevOps way #51

Closed vishwas1234567 closed 1 year ago

vishwas1234567 commented 1 year ago


In this session, we will explore the benefits and best practices of developing an Internal Development Platform (IDP) using modern DevOps practices, with a focus on how Elastic can help.

An IDP is critical to streamlining software development processes, increasing efficiency and agility, and ensuring the scalability of your organization. By building an IDP using modern DevOps practices, you can automate infrastructure, continuously integrate and deliver code, and containerize applications, among other things.

We will begin by discussing the core components of an IDP, including infrastructure automation, continuous integration and delivery, and containerization. We will then explore the various tools and technologies that can be used to develop an IDP, including Elastic's solutions for observability, security, and cloud infrastructure.

Next, we will provide practical guidance on how to develop and implement an IDP within your organization using Elastic tools. This will include strategies for selecting the right tools and technologies, designing an effective workflow, and integrating the IDP into your existing development processes.

By the end of this session, you will have a clear understanding of what an IDP is, why it is important, and how Elastic can help you develop and implement one using modern DevOps practices. You will also learn how Elastic's solutions for observability, security, and cloud infrastructure can help you achieve your goals and improve your software development processes.

A paragraph describing your proposal

This session will cover the benefits and best practices of developing an Internal Development Platform (IDP) using modern DevOps practices, with a focus on how Elastic's solutions can help. Attendees will learn about the core components of an IDP, various tools and technologies that can be used to develop an IDP and practical guidance on how to develop and implement an IDP within their organization using Elastic tools. By the end of the session, attendees will have a clear understanding of what an IDP is, why it is important, and how Elastic's solutions for observability, security, and cloud infrastructure can help them optimize their software development processes and drive innovation within their organization.

Speaker Bio Vishwas is a technophile who believes that "security lies in the hands of implementors". He is a community evangelist at Devtron, and he thinks a lot of DevOps practices and a fundamental understanding of software engineering are required for the way we think about DevSecOps pipelines. Thus, he believes that practice, when evolved in an organization, is a win-win situation for any SDLC. He also believes in the open-source ecosystem and practices advocating agility in software engineering.

Short bio of the speaker

Vishwas N, Community Evangelist at Devtron, believes in and advocates Agility in Software Engineering.