elastic / cloudbeat

Analyzing Cloud Security Posture
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Fetchers to return their own channel #1351

Open amirbenun opened 12 months ago

amirbenun commented 12 months ago


As we know, sending on a close channel causes a panic. Therefore the best practices in golang is that the sender always the one to close the channel. In our posture flavor, that's not the case, all the fetchers are sharing the same channel which none of them can close. Instead, each fetcher should have full ownership on its channel. One way of doing that is to modify the fetcher interface to return a receive-only channel.

type Fetcher interface {
    Fetch(context.Context, CycleMetadata) (chan <-fetching.ResourceInfo, error)

Then the manager that trigger all the fetchers will mux the results into a single channel and return it chan <-fetching.ResourceInfo.

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orestisfl commented 12 months ago

One way of doing that is to modify the fetcher interface to return a receive-only channel.

But this means creating one channel on each fetching cycle?

orestisfl commented 12 months ago


In my understanding, there is no need to close channels. It's neither expected or required for garbage collection. close() is an extra signal meaning that the sender is done sending information. In our architecture, the senders do not decide when they are done sending so closing the channel is a not a meaningful action.

I vote to base lifespan decisions solely on the context object and I repeat my view on how to implement this safely: https://github.com/elastic/cloudbeat/issues/691#issuecomment-1638330693

amirbenun commented 12 months ago

In our system, the resources channel remains open and isn't disposed of by the garbage collector since it's still in use. Instead, the fetchers can indicate the completion of their cycle by closing the channel. This action would subsequently close channels up to the "posture" layer.

While the idea of creating the ContextAwareChannel is appealing, there are significant distinctions between the two suggestions. Introducing this implementation won't necessarily ensure developers adopt this practice consistently. My concern is its sporadic usage within our codebase. It's crucial to address this aspect for the suggestion to be complete.

Nonetheless, the proposed changes align with Golang best practices. More importantly, they are architectural adjustments that will obligate future contributors to these components to maintain these standards.

orestisfl commented 12 months ago

In our system, the resources channel remains open and isn't disposed of by the garbage collector since it's still in use. Instead, the fetchers can indicate the completion of their cycle by closing the channel. This action would subsequently close channels up to the "posture" layer.

That's why I propose to use contexts to signal when the reader(s) should exit, in that case the resource channel will have zero references and will be garbage collected.

While the idea of creating the ContextAwareChannel is appealing, there are significant distinctions between the two suggestions. Introducing this implementation won't necessarily ensure developers adopt this practice consistently. My concern is its sporadic usage within our codebase. It's crucial to address this aspect for the suggestion to be complete.

It will be enforced if we modify our interfaces accordingly. Specifically, by not exposing raw channels in fetchers.