elastic / connectors

Source code for all Elastic connectors, developed by the Search team at Elastic, and home of our Python connector development framework
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[8.13 QA] Validate connector client #2087

Open khushbu-elastic opened 8 months ago

khushbu-elastic commented 8 months ago

Non-regression QA

Note: always test with the latest Build Candidate on Elastic Cloud, using the full Elastic stack

Record a short demo showing the connectors' configuration and that there were documents ingested

kajal-elastic commented 7 months ago

@danajuratoni Redis and Notion are not available as connectors in 8.13.0 (latest) elastic deployment BC1 . So , I guess we won't be able to verify the same .

kajal-elastic commented 7 months ago

@danajuratoni @DianaJourdan In 8.13.0 elastic deployment BC2, AuthorizationException Error is faced while indexing for Redis and Notion connector when configured as connector client. Please find error log here : AuthorizationException.txt

PS : However , the above connectors indexing is successful if ran as customized connector

kajal-elastic commented 7 months ago

For Jira and Confluence Connector in 8.13.0 elastic deployment BC2, On overview page, inspite of documents indexed in elasticsearch for that sync, Document added count is displayed as 0 in Content Sync .


khushbu-elastic commented 7 months ago

@danajuratoni @DianaJourdan

We have validated the following connectors and recorded the demo for them & uploaded on drive:

Dropbox Google Cloud Storage Azure Blob Storage Confluence Data Center Jira Data Center Redis (Tested in BC4) Notion

We will keep here updating for other connectors, as and when done.


  1. For other connectors, as @kajal-elastic has mentioned, there is an issue with Redis & Notion connector. We are unable to verify the QA Checklist for those connectors. Please provide with a solution for them. Also, there is an issue with the document counts for Jira & Confluence. Please refer to the above comments for the same.

  2. For --> Enable scheduling for frequency = every minute and save schedule; refresh the page and verify that the changes were stored --> Setting the Scheduling with frequency= every 5 minutes is there so we have checked it for specific minute in every hour..

  3. For --> Verify that on the index list page index information is updated properly, showing the expected number of documents and new index size --> The Index size is not displayed on the Elasticsearch Indices page. We are able to check the same from Index Management Page as it is displayed there.

kajal-elastic commented 6 months ago

The above shared Demo for the connectors are created in BC2 for 8.13.0 Elastic Deployment.

navarone-feekery commented 6 months ago


In 8.13.0 elastic deployment BC2, AuthorizationException Error is faced while indexing for Redis and Notion connector when configured as connector client. Please find error log here : AuthorizationException.txt PS : However , the above connectors indexing is successful if ran as customized connector

Can you try this on BC3+? If the error persists, can you try the following?

If the error persists let me know.

kajal-elastic commented 6 months ago

@navarone-feekery Thanks for the update. This issue seems to be resolved now for Redis and Notion Connector in BC3 .

khushbu-elastic commented 5 months ago

@danajuratoni @DianaJourdan We have uploaded Notion demo in the google drive and link is provided in the above comment. Please refer to the same and update this issue status accordingly.