elastic / connectors

Source code for all Elastic connectors, developed by the Search team at Elastic, and home of our Python connector development framework
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[Connector API] Validate and activate filtering with API call #2626

Closed jedrazb closed 3 weeks ago

jedrazb commented 3 weeks ago

Closes https://github.com/elastic/search-team/issues/7701

Next step after #2561

If the feature flag feature_use_connectors_api we call Connector APIs to update the filtering validation info and activate the filtering if valid.

github-actions[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

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The backport operation could not be completed due to the following error: There are no branches to backport to. Aborting.

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To backport manually run: backport --pr 2626 --autoMerge --autoMergeMethod squash