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Add set_env to tests that init elasticsearch client #2649

Closed artem-shelkovnikov closed 1 week ago

artem-shelkovnikov commented 1 week ago

Example failures:

FAILED tests/protocol/test_connectors.py::test_create_job_with_connector_api[JobTriggerMethod.SCHEDULED-JobType.INCREMENTAL] - ValueError: Strict mode enabled, variables $elasticsearch.password are not defined!
  | FAILED tests/protocol/test_connectors.py::test_create_job_with_connector_api[JobTriggerMethod.ON_DEMAND-JobType.FULL] - ValueError: Strict mode enabled, variables $elasticsearch.password are not defined!

It happens because the tests are not using set_env fixture - original configuration file that's used for these tests does not have actual elasticsearch configuration definitions, it uses variables. These variables are populated from ENV.

Sometimes these tests pass because previous tests already defined these environment variables. To avoid these tests being flaky I just use set_env fixture in more tests.

artem-shelkovnikov commented 1 week ago

cc @jedrazb, that's some arcane magic here :D

github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

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