elastic / connectors

Source code for all Elastic connectors, developed by the Search team at Elastic, and home of our Python connector development framework
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csv dependency report #2757

Closed seanstory closed 1 month ago

seanstory commented 1 month ago

Part of https://github.com/elastic/search-team/issues/8047

Relates to https://github.com/elastic/connectors/issues/201

For our DRA process, we need to produce a CSV of dependencies. This does that, building off a prior PR that had tried to do something similar.

Since I was introducing pip-licenses, I figured I'd go ahead and add a NOTICE.txt file while I was at it. This isn't done, which is why #201 will remain open. We still do not have:

However, these are outside the scope of the current project, which is to expeditiously provide a CSV. We can iterate later.


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