elastic / curator

Curator: Tending your Elasticsearch indices
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Pretty up the code and documentation #1665

Closed untergeek closed 1 year ago

untergeek commented 1 year ago

The code was ugly. Subjectively, you may still find it ugly. It should be much better now, and nearly completely free from pylint errors.

The API documentation wasn't as nice as it could have been. Many classes and functions have had their docstrings prettied up, and more projects have been added to intersphinx_mapping in conf.py. I've tried to make my own old code more readable to myself, and learned a wonderful lesson: Do it pretty and functional and documented from day one.

Aside from these changes, the Dockerfile for building Curator into an image has been tweaked, and two new files added to make it possible to build multi-architecure images in a single command:

docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 -t untergeek/curator:TAG --push .

I even tested my arm64 build (built on my older Intel MacBook Pro) on an ODroid N2 I have. It worked great!