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[Rule Tuning] Attempts to Brute Force a Microsoft 365 User Account #2278

Open baserock opened 1 year ago

baserock commented 1 year ago

## Link to rule


This rule is designed to detect brute force of a Microsoft 365 user account. Specifically this rule is engineered to detect a username being attempted repeatedly, It does not account for API key access attempts. Brute force attempts that do not contain usernames continue to create false positives under this rule. Which are not aligned with the detection intentions of this rule.

I recommend restricting the captured data set to only contain values where a username exists in the first place. In the KQL which this rule is written this would be user.name: * This appears to work as expected and intended in our testing.

Example Data

Recommended Rule Change: event.dataset:o365.audit and event.provider:(AzureActiveDirectory or Exchange) and event.category:authentication and event.action:(UserLoginFailed or PasswordLogonInitialAuthUsingPassword) and user.name: * and not o365.audit.LogonError:(UserAccountNotFound or EntitlementGrantsNotFound or UserStrongAuthEnrollmentRequired or UserStrongAuthClientAuthNRequired or InvalidReplyTo)

w0rk3r commented 1 year ago

Hey @baserock, thanks for bringing this issue up. Can you attach a sample redacted event?

baserock commented 1 year ago

Of the event I tuned out? or the events I want to retain? In json?

baserock commented 1 year ago

Sample event I am tuning out: { "_index": ".ds-logs-o365.audit-[customer]-2022.08.08-000011", "_id": "8bbdad98-2adc-4cd3-b391-183302870900", "_version": 1, "_score": 0, "_source": { "agent": { "name": "[customer]-lxc-ubuntu-collector", "id": "[agent_ID]", "ephemeral_id": "f13dd8c1-162d-4e9e-b212-3cf40786de86", "type": "filebeat", "version": "8.2.1" }, "elastic_agent": { "id": "[agent_ID]", "version": "8.2.1", "snapshot": false }, "source": { "geo": { "continent_name": "Oceania", "region_iso_code": "AU-NSW", "city_name": "Sydney", "country_iso_code": "AU", "country_name": "Australia", "region_name": "New South Wales", "location": { "lon": 151.2006, "lat": -33.8715 } }, "as": { "number": 4764, "organization": { "name": "Aussie Broadband" } }, "ip": "[Ext_IP]" }, "tags": [ "forwarded", "o365-audit" ], "network": { "type": "ipv4" }, "o365": { "audit": { "AzureActiveDirectoryEventType": "1", "ObjectId": "Unknown", "ResultStatus": "Success", "UserKey": "[USR_Key]", "ActorIpAddress": "[Ext_IP]", "ErrorNumber": "50074", "ExtendedProperties": { "ResultStatusDetail": "Success", "RequestType": "SAS:BeginAuth" }, "IntraSystemId": "8bbdad98-2adc-4cd3-b391-183302870900", "Target": [ { "Type": 0, "ID": "Unknown" } ], "RecordType": "15", "Version": "1", "SupportTicketId": "", "UserId": "Not Available", "TargetContextId": "[ID]", "Actor": [ { "Type": 0, "ID": "[USR_Key]" } ], "LogonError": "UserStrongAuthClientAuthNRequiredInterrupt", "CreationTime": "2022-08-29T23:59:58", "InterSystemsId": "11269262-aa50-4f48-a6f7-c7cc316e970d", "DeviceProperties": [ { "Value": "Windows 10", "Name": "OS" }, { "Value": "Edge", "Name": "BrowserType" }, { "Value": "False", "Name": "IsCompliantAndManaged" } ], "ApplicationId": "a85cf173-4192-42f8-81fa-777a763e6e2c", "UserType": "4", "ActorContextId": "[ID]" } }, "input": { "type": "o365audit" }, "@timestamp": "2022-08-29T23:59:58.000Z", "ecs": { "version": "8.2.0" }, "related": { "ip": [ "[Ext_IP]" ] }, "data_stream": { "namespace": "[customer]", "type": "logs", "dataset": "o365.audit" }, "organization": { "id": "[ID]" }, "host": { "id": "[ID]" }, "client": { "address": "[Ext_IP]", "ip": "[Ext_IP]" }, "event": { "agent_id_status": "verified", "ingested": "2022-08-30T00:10:02Z", "code": "AzureActiveDirectoryStsLogon", "provider": "AzureActiveDirectory", "kind": "event", "action": "UserLoginFailed", "id": "8bbdad98-2adc-4cd3-b391-183302870900", "type": [ "info", "start", "access" ], "category": [ "web", "authentication" ], "dataset": "o365.audit", "outcome": "success" }, "user": { "id": "Not Available" }, "user_agent": { "original": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; WebView/3.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.102 Safari/537.36 Edge/18.19044", "os": { "name": "Windows", "version": "10", "full": "Windows 10" }, "name": "Edge", "device": { "name": "Other" }, "version": "18.19044" } }, "fields": { "o365.audit.SupportTicketId": [ "" ], "elastic_agent.version": [ "8.2.1" ], "event.category": [ "web", "authentication" ], "o365.audit.UserId": [ "Not Available" ], "o365.audit.ApplicationId": [ "a85cf173-4192-42f8-81fa-777a763e6e2c" ], "user_agent.original.text": [ "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; WebView/3.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.102 Safari/537.36 Edge/18.19044" ], "o365.audit.DeviceProperties.Name": [ "OS", "BrowserType", "IsCompliantAndManaged" ], "user_agent.os.version": [ "10" ], "client.address": [ "[Ext_IP]" ], "o365.audit.TargetContextId": [ "[ID]" ], "source.geo.region_name": [ "New South Wales" ], "source.ip": [ "[Ext_IP]" ], "agent.name": [ "[customer]-lxc-ubuntu-collector" ], "user_agent.version": [ "18.19044" ], "source.geo.region_iso_code": [ "AU-NSW" ], "event.agent_id_status": [ "verified" ], "event.kind": [ "event" ], "o365.audit.Actor.Type": [ 0 ], "source.geo.city_name": [ "Sydney" ], "event.outcome": [ "success" ], "user_agent.original": [ "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; WebView/3.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.102 Safari/537.36 Edge/18.19044" ], "user.id": [ "Not Available" ], "o365.audit.ExtendedProperties.ResultStatusDetail": [ "Success" ], "input.type": [ "o365audit" ], "user_agent.name": [ "Edge" ], "client.ip": [ "[Ext_IP]" ], "data_stream.type": [ "logs" ], "o365.audit.ObjectId": [ "Unknown" ], "tags": [ "forwarded", "o365-audit" ], "event.provider": [ "AzureActiveDirectory" ], "event.code": [ "AzureActiveDirectoryStsLogon" ], "agent.id": [ "[agent_ID]" ], "o365.audit.AzureActiveDirectoryEventType": [ "1" ], "ecs.version": [ "8.2.0" ], "o365.audit.RecordType": [ "15" ], "organization.id": [ "[ID]" ], "agent.version": [ "8.2.1" ], "source.as.number": [ 4764 ], "o365.audit.ActorContextId": [ "[ID]" ], "o365.audit.LogonError": [ "UserStrongAuthClientAuthNRequiredInterrupt" ], "o365.audit.ErrorNumber": [ "50074" ], "o365.audit.CreationTime": [ "2022-08-29T23:59:58" ], "user_agent.os.full": [ "Windows 10" ], "source.geo.location": [ { "coordinates": [ 151.2006, -33.8715 ], "type": "Point" } ], "user_agent.os.name.text": [ "Windows" ], "o365.audit.UserKey": [ "[USR_Key]" ], "user_agent.os.name": [ "Windows" ], "o365.audit.Version": [ "1" ], "agent.type": [ "filebeat" ], "event.module": [ "o365" ], "related.ip": [ "[Ext_IP]" ], "source.geo.country_iso_code": [ "AU" ], "elastic_agent.snapshot": [ false ], "o365.audit.InterSystemsId": [ "11269262-aa50-4f48-a6f7-c7cc316e970d" ], "host.id": [ "[ID]" ], "network.type": [ "ipv4" ], "source.as.organization.name.text": [ "Aussie Broadband" ], "o365.audit.Target.Type": [ 0 ], "elastic_agent.id": [ "[agent_ID]" ], "data_stream.namespace": [ "[customer]" ], "o365.audit.IntraSystemId": [ "8bbdad98-2adc-4cd3-b391-183302870900" ], "o365.audit.ActorIpAddress": [ "[Ext_IP]" ], "source.as.organization.name": [ "Aussie Broadband" ], "source.geo.continent_name": [ "Oceania" ], "o365.audit.ExtendedProperties.RequestType": [ "SAS:BeginAuth" ], "o365.audit.UserType": [ "4" ], "o365.audit.Target.ID": [ "Unknown" ], "user_agent.os.full.text": [ "Windows 10" ], "event.ingested": [ "2022-08-30T00:10:02.000Z" ], "o365.audit.ResultStatus": [ "Success" ], "event.action": [ "UserLoginFailed" ], "@timestamp": [ "2022-08-29T23:59:58.000Z" ], "event.type": [ "info", "start", "access" ], "data_stream.dataset": [ "o365.audit" ], "agent.ephemeral_id": [ "f13dd8c1-162d-4e9e-b212-3cf40786de86" ], "o365.audit.DeviceProperties.Value": [ "Windows 10", "Edge", "False" ], "user_agent.device.name": [ "Other" ], "source.geo.country_name": [ "Australia" ], "event.id": [ "8bbdad98-2adc-4cd3-b391-183302870900" ], "event.dataset": [ "o365.audit" ], "o365.audit.Actor.ID": [ "[USR_Key]" ] } }

baserock commented 1 year ago

Please note that username does not exist in this event and the threshold aggregation on field 'user.id' has a value of "not_available".

This event is unhelpful from a purely username brute force attempt rule. I haven't figured out if the absence of username is a logging error or an event type/source discrepancy (from Microsoft) and I honestly can't waste more time differentiating it.

botelastic[bot] commented 1 year ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

khalavak commented 1 year ago

Hello, we are seing the same kinds of alerts where user.id: "Not available" and these logs are not usable. I have not figured out why o365 is logging these events without any user.id either. @baserock did you ever figure these out?

I am however seeing what seems like the events are acutally connected to specific user, but for some reason o365 does not log this user.id. The o365.audit data does contain the same ID for all the logs,

Event with user.id: 
"Actor": [
            "ID": "d65777ba-fd17-43a4-8d32-404a24619f81",
            "Type": 0
            "ID": "username@redacted.com",
            "Type": 5

Event with user.id="Not available":

 "Actor": [
            "ID": "d65777ba-fd17-43a4-8d32-404a24619f81",
            "Type": 0

Would be great to know what these numerous logs with user.id "Not available" are and what is causing them and also how to exclude them from the Elastic alerts.