elastic / detection-rules

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[Bug] [DAC] Fix Bug where Validates Data Applies to All Rules #3921

Closed eric-forte-elastic closed 2 months ago

eric-forte-elastic commented 2 months ago

Pull Request

Issue link(s): https://github.com/elastic/ia-trade-team/issues/345

Summary - What I changed

Minor potential bug in Validates Data function where it is supposed to only fire against Elastic authored rules but currently fires against all rules regardless of author.

How To Test

Try exporting a rule from Kibana with version and revision where the author is not Elastic. This should pass schema validation.

Example TOML Rule

``` [metadata] creation_date = "2024/07/24" maturity = "production" updated_date = "2024/07/24" [rule] actions = [] author = ["sigma", "Some User"] data_view_id = "any-hosts" description = "Zdarzenie wykrycia dodania do wyjątków ścieżki, która może być potencjalnie nadużyta." enabled = true exceptions_list = [] false_positives = ["Testy penetracyjne"] from = "now-540s" interval = "5m" language = "kuery" license = "" max_signals = 100 name = "H-DEFENSEEVASION-266 - Windows Defender Exclusions Added" note = """Sprawdź nazwę stacji - host.name Sprawdź jaki wyjątek został dodany - winlog.event_data.New Value Sprawdź czy może być to związane z testami penetracyjnymi prowadzonymi w ramach SI. """ references = [ "https://github.com/SigmaHQ/sigma/blob/master/rules/windows/builtin/windefend/win_defender_config_change_exclusion_added.yml", ] related_integrations = [] required_fields = [] revision = 0 risk_score = 47 risk_score_mapping = [] rule_id = "c7249101-0ea3-4ded-8e65-0d46295eac54" setup = "Wymaga logów z Microsoft-Windows-Windows Defender\n" severity = "medium" severity_mapping = [] tags = ["Windows", "Q2-24", "Windows Defender", "sigma"] threat = [] to = "now" type = "query" version = 1 query = ''' event.code : 5007 and "winlog.event_data.New Value" : (*\\Users\\* or *\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\* or *\\Desktop\\* or *\\PerfLogs\\* or *\\Windows\\Temp\\*) ''' [[rule.filters]] [rule.filters."$state"] store = "appState" [rule.filters.meta] disabled = false field = "event.provider" index = "any-hosts" key = "event.provider" negate = false type = "phrase" [rule.filters.meta.params] query = "Microsoft-Windows-Windows Defender" [rule.filters.query.match_phrase] "event.provider" = "Microsoft-Windows-Windows Defender" [rule.investigation_fields] field_names = ["event.code", "event.provider", "winlog.event_data.New Value", "host.name", "winlog.user.name"] [rule.meta] from = "4m" kibana_siem_app_url = "https://mordor.szperacz.lynx.net/s/soc/app/security" ```


Contributor checklist

protectionsmachine commented 2 months ago

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Additional Checks

eric-forte-elastic commented 2 months ago

This is not needed, this check should apply for all rules not just Elastic Authored rules, erroneous comment.