elastic / e2e-testing

Formal verification of Elastic-Agent and more using BDD
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Deprecate E2E suite #3824

Open cachedout opened 2 months ago

cachedout commented 2 months ago


This software has been unmaintained for over a year.

According to this comment, the last remaining user seems to be @gizas via this workflow. I'd like to first understand whether this test is providing any value. If it's not, let's just shut it down and and then archive this repo.

If it is, let's discuss some options of where we might want to migrate it.

cc: @bturquet

gizas commented 2 months ago

Indeed that last workflow was an update for us to be updated in case the k8s-autodsiscovery part was failing and our team to get notified in slack

Also we have stories like https://github.com/elastic/observability-dev/issues/3068, where occasionally (per k8s release version) we update the e2e tests and we run the tests.

Also last case where we found something was here. And this was more an update on the actual test to update the api version of k8s because previous was depricated.

I dont think we use anymore the e2e tests as part of beats code updates. I will forward this to the team internally to see if we can find other ways to reuse it